Self Service and Colleague (Cabrillo’s student information systems) will be unavailable during spring break, 3/28/25-4/4/25
Cabrillo Information Systems Scheduled Maintenance
Instructor at whiteboard
Accessibility Support Center

Information for Faculty

Useful Information for Faculty

Students receive a variety of services from ASC. The following guidelines may be useful for faculty.

MyASC Updates

The ASC exam proctoring process is changing! Faculty will now use the MyASC online portal to communicate with the ASC about exams. There will be training available during the first week of classes. Keep reading for details on how-tos, training, and why this will make your life easier (change is hard but this is good, we promise!).

What Will This New Process Look Like?

Information that was once communicated by multiple emails will be tracked and managed in the Instructor MyASC Portal. You will be prompted to submit the required exam expectations information to ensure the ASC has the essential information for managing exams. This information will trigger the next step in the process. Written instructions for how to submit a proctored ASC Alternative Testing Agreement are on our website.

Exams do not need to be submitted with the testing agreement.

Instructor FAQ for MyASC

What is MyASC? My ASC is a Single Sign-on system for managing all aspects of student course accommodations and will bring efficiency and organization for instructors who receive ASC communication about enrolled students with accommodations. This portal will allow instructors to see students with accommodations by enrolled course. For example, suppose a student has a need for extensions on assignments. In that case, you will be able to log into MyASC and see which student has this accommodation, what the accommodation means and what to do if you have questions about the provision of the accommodation.

We would love to hear your feedback about the tool. Email if you have any questions or feedback on the MyASC.

MyASC Training Resources for faculty

Referring Students to the Accessibility Support Center

If you notice a student struggling in your class with focus, following instructions, transposing letters/numbers, exhibiting more than normal frustration or anxiety, reports PTSD or mental health issues, physical impairments, or anything that makes you think that this student may need more support than you can provide, please refer to the ASC. Note that students who are walked over to our location are more likely to follow-through with services. Please let the student know that these services are confidential.

Recommended Language for Syllabus

ASC provides a model statement for syllabi as follows:

"Students needing academic support/accommodations should contact the instructor as soon as possible. As required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), accommodations are provided to ensure equal opportunity for students with verified disabilities. If you need assistance with an accommodation, please contact the Accessibility Support Center (ASC) located in the HUB/2nd floor of the library, room 1073 at or (831) 479-6370."


An accommodation is an adjustment or modification for disability to ensure equal access to course materials for a person with a disability. Examples of accommodations might include extra time on tests, preferential seating, notetakers, or alternate formats such as digital text, audio, or braille. Students who are eligible for accommodations must provide to their instructors an accommodation form, signed by an ASC faculty specialist.

Test Proctoring

Students with accommodations for extended time on tests or a need for a distraction-reduced environment, can schedule their exams at the Proctoring Center.

Please submit all quizzes and exams a minimum of one (1) business day in advance so that the proctor is prepared to provide the exam when the student arrives. Make sure to include all instructions or special considerations with your test. Please visit the proctoring center for more information.

When students require Alternate Media, such as enlarged print for their exams, the test must arrive at the ASC office at least one business day in advance to ensure that the Alternate Media Specialist has time to make the necessary changes.

The exams can be submitted either by Email: OR, In-person at the Proctor Center. (Please use PINK ENVELOPE)

Captioning and Deaf Students

Deaf and hearing-impaired students will sometimes have interpreters and will need access to any videos shown in your class through captioning or subtitles.

Creating Accessible Media

Faculty are responsible for providing accessible media in their classes. The Teaching and Learning Center provides faculty and staff resources and training to create accessible media and web pages. Training also includes steps for captioning video and web content design

Other Useful Information

Student writing with pencil.
Hours and Contact Information
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
(831) 479-6370
Virtual Fax:
(831) 477-3738
The second floor of the library behind HUB
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