Accounting and Finance

Success Stories


Deisi B.

Deisi always loved math in school and knew she wanted to start her own business. Her idea was to start working in a business using accounting skills to determine if she’d really enjoy owning her own business.

“Accounting gets me going in the right direction. I’m learning bookkeeping and everything I need to know to either be an accountant or use accounting skills to support my business,” says Deisi.

Family members had attended Cabrillo and recommended that Deisi attend there, since she wasn’t sure she would want to go to a four-year university. They told her it had a good accounting and business program.

“It seemed like a good option and a way to start my career. I’ve liked my classes and appreciated the wide variety of business classes.”

Deisi is finishing up her A.S. degree and plans to find a job using her accounting skills to see if she really likes it as a career or would like to try a different type of job in the business world.


Keith G R.

As an undergrad at Cornell, Keith Garcia Rayburn took a couple of economics courses, and liked them – realizing that an understanding of economics is essential to living in our capitalist country. He earned a degree in economics, with a minor in music. After graduation, he returned to the local area and began work as bookkeeper with the Teamsters Labor Union 390 in Salinas. That's how Keith became interested in accounting.

"Taking the courses in accounting really helped me in my current job," Keith says. He originally just wanted to take a few courses but decided on getting his CPA Preparation Certificate. "Cabrillo is the only college around that has an affordable accounting program where you can fulfill all of the CPA's educational requirements. This has been huge for me and is a big part of why I chose Cabrillo." Keith finds his experience in the program "excellent."
The Accounting instructors take the time to answer questions. They have also helped me a lot with guidance in getting requirements done for CPA.

Keith appreciates the online program, as it lets him work full-time and pursue his passions training to make the Mexican Pan-American team as a pole vaulter and playing in two local bands currently making albums.

He says, "I wouldn't be able to pursue these interests if it weren't for Cabrillo's online accounting program."

Elizabeth C-A

When Elizabeth C-A first started at Cabrillo, she found herself in a program that wasn’t a fit. She took a year off and realized she wanted to go back to college. She remembered the teacher from her CG 54 course and reached out to her for help. Elizabeth had been developing an interest in business and business administration but felt nervous and didn’t know where to start. The teacher set her on a path toward getting a certificate in accounting and bookkeeping.

“After I got started with the certificates, another teacher inspired me to keep going, and I did. I’m getting my A.S. degree this semester,” says Elizabeth.

With her bookkeeping certificate, she got an internship at Brisa Ranch in her community. She just completed her accounting certificate and will be starting a new job at Pie Ranch in May 2023.

Her goals are to finish the requirements needed to transfer to a four-year university and get a bachelor’s degree in business administration. She may continue on for a master’s degree and wants to work as an accountant.

Elizabeth says that the skills she learned in the program definitely helped a lot with her internship; for example, using Quickbooks day to day. Most important to her, “getting my certificate allowed me to get a good paying job that supported me while I was going to school for my A.S. degree.”

Johnny R.

Johnny Rosas works in accounts receivable and finance at a large company in Santa Cruz. He loves the job and enjoys helping customers. This job is a promotion, with a raise, from his previous position. It wasn't any easy path to success and fulfillment.

While his dad worked 10 hour shifts to support the family, Johnny decided not to attend college after high school because "I was living a life of entertainment and all I wanted to do was party. That's the biggest mistake I've have ever done in my life." He eventually became homeless. "I was tired of everything and how my life was going ," he remembers, " so I decided to make a change so I can have a better future for myself and to finally give back to my parents everything that they have given me."

Johnny says that his time in the Accounting Program prepared him for his job positions.

I wouldn't be here right now if I didn't take the courses.

He says it was challenging since accounting isn't easy, but the instructors are very supportive and helped guide him.