Registration Restrictions

Stay. Make a plan to reach your goals.
Recommended pathways to improve your Academic Standing

RSTR 1: Looks like you need some support
For Students on A1 and/or P1 or A1P1:
No hold on your record, you are able to register, add and drop classes. Your registration ranking remains the same.
In your most recent semester you did not earn a 2.0 GPA and/or complete more than 50% of attempted units with A, B, C or P
Keep from moving to the next restriction level; complete the Back on Track Workshop to learn how to manage your academic commitments

RSTR 2: Keep up the good work
In your most recent semester, you met the state requirements.
No hold on your record, you are able to register, add and drop classes
Your culminative Academic Standing may still be Academic and/or Progress Probation or Dismissal
Work toward good standing with continued academic and progress success

RSTR 3: Registration ranking lowered
For Students on A2, P1A2, P2, P2A1, or P2A2
No hold on your record, you are able to register, add and drop classes
Your registration ranking will be lowered; you will given a later registration date
To keep from moving to the next restriction level, complete the Academic Success Workshop

RSTR 4: Registration HOLD
For Students on AD, P1AD, P2AD, PD, PDA1, PDA2, or PDAD
There will a HOLD on your record. After you clear the hold, you will be able to register, add and drop classes.
To clear the hold you are required to:
complete the Academic Success Workshop
meet with an Academic Counselor