Completed 16 degree applicable units?
Your Cal Grant GPA will be Auto-Submitted
Cabrillo College works with the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) on your behalf to automatically transmit your Cal Grant GPA through the CSAC College GPA Collection System.
As required by the CSAC, Cabrillo will transmit Cal Grant GPAs twice a year by these deadlines: March 2nd and September 2nd.
The unit threshold to qualify for auto transmission is 16 degree applicable units completed at Cabrillo.
To remain eligible to receive a Cal Grant, students are required to maintain a 2.0 Grade Point Average (GPA). Students' GPA are verified by the current institution or by the most recent institution.
If you have any questions about your Cal Grant GPA or to confirm that your Cal Grant GPA will be transmitted, please email us before the scheduled transmission date at with "CalGrant GPA" in the subject line.

- Admissions and Records
- Academic Standing
- Estado Académico
- CalGrant GPA Submission
- CalGrant Envío de GPA
- Dates and Deadlines
- Fechas y Plazos
- Enrollment Verifications
- Verificaciones de Matrícula
- Fees, payments, and refunds
- Tarifas, pagos y reembolsos
- GE Certifications
- Certificaciones GE
- Graduation Petition Process
- Proceso de Solicitud para Graduaci ón
- Register for classes
- Regístrate para clases
- Registration Ranking Enrollment Priorities
- Registro Clasificación Matrícula Prioridades
- Request Cabrillo Transcripts
- Solicitar Transcripciones de Cabrillo
- Residency
- Residencia
- Student Records Privacy
- Registro de Estudiantes y Privacidad
- Students Apply
- Estudiantes Se Inscriben
- Tax Information 1098-T
- Información Fiscal 1098-T
- Useful Forms
- Formularios Útiles
- Contact Admissions & Records Staff
- Contactar al personal de Admisiones y Registros
Nuts and Bolts
Cal Grant Submissions
YES. Cabrillo College will automatically transmit Cal Grant GPAs for eligible students who have completed at least 16 transferable units at Cabrillo College.