What Happens When?
See when your registration opens and make note of all dates that apply to you.
Once you select a term, you'll see registration dates and important deadlines for that term.
Find out more about how Registration Ranking works and how you can earn an earlier registration date.
Check My Registration Date to see your registration date and time. Once your registration opens, it remains open - you can register anytime on or after your registration date.
Find out more about the Graduation Petition Process
Late start and short term classes:
Dates and Deadlines for all short-term classes vary depending on the start date of the class. For example, enrollment fees will be reversed only if you have officially withdrawn by refund date.
Can't find what your looking for? Terms added to the document as it becomes available.

- Admissions and Records
- Academic Standing
- Estado Académico
- CalGrant GPA Submission
- CalGrant Envío de GPA
- Dates and Deadlines
- Fechas y Plazos
- Enrollment Verifications
- Verificaciones de Matrícula
- Fees, payments, and refunds
- Tarifas, pagos y reembolsos
- GE Certifications
- Certificaciones GE
- Graduation Petition Process
- Proceso de Solicitud para Graduación
- Register for classes
- Regístrate para clases
- Registration Ranking Enrollment Priorities
- Registro Clasificación Matrícula Prioridades
- Request Cabrillo Transcripts
- Solicitar Transcripciones de Cabrillo
- Residency
- Residencia
- Student Records Privacy
- Registro de Estudiantes y Privacidad
- Students Apply
- Estudiantes Se Inscriben
- Tax Information 1098-T
- Información Fiscal 1098-T
- Useful Forms
- Formularios Útiles
- Contact Admissions & Records Staff
- Contactar al personal de Admisiones y Registros
Archived Dates & Deadlines

COVID-19 Information
Visit Student Health Services for more infomation.
Vaccination is not required to register and attend classes.