How Much Will Cabrillo Cost?
Students are charged enrollment tuition fees by the unit.
The more units you take, the more you will be charged. Your per unit charge is based on your residency. Your residency is determined by the length of time you have been in California or your visa status.
Per Unit Fees:
In State (California) residents are charged an enrollment fee of $46 per unit
Out-of-state Students are charged $46 plus an additional $358 per unit for total of $404 per unit, effective Summer '23
International Students are charged $46 plus an additional $358 per unit for total per unit fee of $404, and an additional $2 per unit for a capital outlay fee for a total of $406 per unit effective Summer '23
ProTip: Cabrillo helps make college affordable by providing Financial Aid enrollment fee waivers to qualifying students. Apply today!
When are my fees due?
Unless you are receiving Financial Aid, payment for tuition and student fees is due prior to the start of classes. For a class that has already started, payment is due immediately upon registration. Failure to pay may result in a delinquent account. If your account is delinquent you may not add more courses or drop existing courses.
If you are receiving Financial Aid, your fees will be charged to your account and then automatically paid for by your Financial Aid after the 3rd week of the term.
You are responsible for any fees not covered by your Financial Aid or 3rd Party Voucher.
1098-T Questions
E-mail Business Services at studentaccounts@cabrillo.edu

- Admissions and Records
- Academic Standing
- Estado Académico
- CalGrant GPA Submission
- CalGrant Envío de GPA
- Dates and Deadlines
- Fechas y Plazos
- Enrollment Verifications
- Verificaciones de Matrícula
- Fees, payments, and refunds
- Tarifas, pagos y reembolsos
- GE Certifications
- Certificaciones GE
- Graduation Petition Process
- Proceso de Solicitud para Graduación
- Register for classes
- Regístrate para clases
- Registration Ranking Enrollment Priorities
- Registro Clasificación Matrícula Prioridades
- Request Cabrillo Transcripts
- Solicitar Transcripciones de Cabrillo
- Residency
- Residencia
- Student Records Privacy
- Registro de Estudiantes y Privacidad
- Students Apply
- Estudiantes Se Inscriben
- Tax Information 1098-T
- Información Fiscal 1098-T
- Useful Forms
- Formularios Útiles
- Contact Admissions & Records Staff
- Contactar al personal de Admisiones y Registros
Your School Budget
Financial Aid provides an estimate budget and please contact your financial aid advisor if you have any additional questions about possbile expenses, which are not paid by an outside funding agency; such as childcare, elder care, disability-related expenses, uninsured medical or dental expenses, or if you are required to purchase a computer or supplies for your program that exceed the standard budget allowance. You can request an adjustment to your school budget, if any of the above apply to you.
Mandatory Fees Descriptions
Includes Options to Appeal
Health Fee Update – Effective Fall 2025
Starting Fall 2025, the health fee will be $27 per semester for Fall and Spring. The Summer fee remains $22.
Provides health and wellness resources for all students. This is a mandatory fee unless you are a student who depends upon prayer for healing in accordance with the teachings of a bonafide religious sect, denomination, or organization OR if you are a student attending under an approved apprenticeship program. Students must meet either of these criteria to appeal this fee. To appeal, submit the fee appeal form and attach a verification letter from a religious or apprenticeship leader.
As a California Community College, Cabrillo does not control fee amounts; they are subject to change at any time. The State supports students by keeping enrollment fees as low as possible. However, these fees may go up during the semester and you may be charged retroactively.