Graduation Petition Process

Celebrating Graduates!
Congratulations Seahawk!
You're almost done with your requirements and you're ready to graduate. What's Next?
For most students, you need to tell us you're graduating. Then we do our part: we'll package everything together to confer your certificate|degree to make it all official. This is called the "Petition to Graduate" process. For some students earning certificates this process is automatic.
At the end of the process you'll be a Cabrillo College Graduate.
You'll receive your diploma from Cabrillo College.
While not required, you'll be able to participate in the Commencement Ceremony.
Getting Ready - what to expect, in short:
Start on your own by viewing My Progress in Student Planning to check that all your requirements will be done by the end of the term.
You may then need to meet with an Academic Counselor, together you'll complete the Graduation Petition form.*
You'll review the requirements of your program and verify that you have met (or will meet) all those requirements.
The Academic Counselor forwards the Graduation Petition to the Evaluation Team in Admissions & Records.
The Evaluation Team holds the Graduation Petition for final grades from in-progress courses to verify that all plan requirements have been met.
Diplomas will be issued and mailed after the certificate|degree has been verified as complete.
Keep reading - all the information, deadlines and specific process details are outlined below.
*Please note: not all students need to meet with a Academic Counselor to Petition to Graduate.

- Admissions and Records
- Academic Standing
- Estado Académico
- CalGrant GPA Submission
- CalGrant Envío de GPA
- Dates and Deadlines
- Fechas y Plazos
- Enrollment Verifications
- Verificaciones de Matrícula
- Fees, payments, and refunds
- Tarifas, pagos y reembolsos
- GE Certifications
- Certificaciones GE
- Graduation Petition Process
- Proceso de Solicitud para Graduación
- Register for classes
- Regístrate para clases
- Registration Ranking Enrollment Priorities
- Registro Clasificación Matrícula Prioridades
- Request Cabrillo Transcripts
- Solicitar Transcripciones de Cabrillo
- Residency
- Residencia
- Student Records Privacy
- Registro de Estudiantes y Privacidad
- Students Apply
- Estudiantes Se Inscriben
- Tax Information 1098-T
- Información Fiscal 1098-T
- Useful Forms
- Formularios Útiles
- Contact Admissions & Records Staff
- Contactar al personal de Admisiones y Registros
Petition to Graduate?
No Petition Appointment Needed for:
Skills Certificates|Certificates of Achievement if:
- all your required courses are completed at Cabrillo
- completed and in-progress courses meet all certificate requirements based on current catalog-year requirements
Cabrillo will automatically award your Skills Certificates and Certificates of Achievements; you will be notified via email. Update your email address with this eForm.
Petition Appointment Required for:
ALL AA/AS Degrees
Certificates: if any requirements have been met with courses from another college
You are required to meet with an Academic Counselor to petition to graduate. Together you'll review your progress, evaluate transcripts from other schools, and confirm your that you are eligible to graduate.
How to Plan During the Term You are Graduating
- First Things FirstOrder official transcripts from other colleges, universities, AP and CLEP
If you haven't done this already, DO IT NOW. If you've completed any plan requirements at other colleges|universities or through AP|CLEP, you must provide those official transcripts to Cabrillo so that we can verify that those requirements have been met. Submitting documents can be done anytime before you petition - documents must be on file before you petition.
- Beginning of the TermFind the graduation petition deadlines for your term
You can graduate during any of the enrollment terms (summer, fall, spring). Review the Dates & Deadlines for your graduating term to see the deadlines to petition to graduate and to participate in the Commencement Ceremony.
- 1-3 Weeks Into the TermMeet with an Academic Counselor
Meet through Drop-In Advising or make an appointment. If making an appointment, let staff know it's to Petition to Graduate.
- Before the DeadlineAttend Your Academic Counseling Appointment
During your appointment, you'll work together to review all your completed course work from Cabrillo, integrate completed courses not from Cabrillo and verify that everything will be completed by the end of term.
- Before the End of the TermUpdate All your Information
Avoid delays, update your information. Cabrillo will use all the information listed in your record to:
- populate your name on your diploma
- send you an email notification of any certificates that will be auto-awarded
- mail your diploma to the address on file
View what is currently on file and update all your information with this eForm.
- After Final Grades are PostedOrder Your Official Cabrillo College Transcript
- Check the Dates & Deadlines for your graduating term to see when final grades will be posted
- Check that all your grades are posted before you order your transcript
- Order your official transcript for an official, verified list all courses for your certificate|degree
- Transcripts will be ready and available before diplomas are mailed
What's the difference between Graduation and Commencement?

Graduation is the official awarding of a degree or certificate to a student's record after final grades are posted and all degree requirements have been verified as met. Certificates of Achievement and AA|AS Degrees will be listed on your official Cabrillo transcript. You will receive an official diploma displaying all your earned certificates|degrees. You are not required to participate in the commencement ceremony to graduate and receive your diploma. Note: if you have attended other colleges, you must provide official transcripts and schedule an appointment with a Cabrillo Academic Counselor to confirm how your courses will be applied to your degree goal.

Commencement is the ceremony held in May of each year to celebrate student accomplishment. We'll recognize degrees and certificates earned and transfer goals. It's a time for you to be with your friends and family to honor all your hard work. While not required, all eligible students are encouraged to participate in the ceremony. You name and all your degrees|certificates|transfer goals will be announced during the ceremony. Note: diplomas are not awarded during the ceremony and participation does not indicate the official completion of your degree(s) or certificate(s).
The Graduation Petition Process
Everything You Need to Know
Cabrillo College will automatically award Skills Certificates and Certificates of Achievements if all required courses are completed at Cabrillo, and if completed and in-progress courses meet all certificate requirements.
Here's how you can check:
Log into Self Service
Select Student Planning
Select My Progress/Program Evaluation. This populates your record that shows how completed, in-progress, and planned Cabrillo courses meet program requirements.
Using View a New Program (or your active program if it is accurate), you can verify completion of requirements for all certificate and degree programs.
Toggle the "Alternate Catalog Year" to the current year.
You DO NOT need to petition if the My Progress report shows that all requirements have been, or will be met upon completion of in-progress courses. Cabrillo will notify you via email if your Skills Certificate or Certificate of Achievement will be automatically awarded at the end of the term. Not Sure? Email Us.
You do need to petition if any requirements are shown as not completed or in-progress, and you've met those requirements with courses from another college. You are required to meet with an Academic Counselor to evaluate your transcripts, confirm your progress and to petition to graduate. Official transcripts required.