Find Your Allied Health Career at Cabrillo
You can choose from a variety of exciting health care career options including Dental Hygiene, Nursing, Radiologic Technology, Medical Assisting, and Phlebotomy.
Each department features a rewarding curriculum; experienced and caring faculty; and modern real-world equipment and facilities. Our graduates are in high demand. A shortage of qualified health care professionals has created a great need in the health care industry and is causing wages and benefits to increase significantly.
The Allied Health Occupations at Cabrillo include four areas of study. Please visit the program pages for specific application requirements and information on how to apply.
Continue reading about each Allied Health career option >

Dental Hygiene Program
As a teaching institution, our mission is to produce clinically competent, ethical, and knowledgeable dental hygienists. It is our privilege to provide quality dental hygiene treatment to the community when appropriate.
Director: Tara Clor RDH, MEd
Phone: (831) 477-3510
Dept. Email: dental_hygiene@cabrillo.edu
Dept. Phone: (831) 479-6471
Program Coordinator: Natalya Miller
Email: namiller@cabrillo.edu
Phone: (831) 479-6471

Nursing Program
The Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Program at Cabrillo College is a four semester program and accepts students each fall and spring semester.
Director: Jennifer Holm, DNP, RN, PHN, CHSE
Phone: (831) 479-6121
Dept. Email: nursing@cabrillo.edu
Program Coordinator: Jonathan Sandoval
Email: josandov@cabrillo.edu
Phone: (831) 479-6280

Radiologic Technology Program
Radiologic Technology is a two-year Associate in Science Degree program providing professional training for radiologic technologists. Radiologic technologists work in a professional environment at a hospital, clinic, or private office.
Director: Anya Salden, MSRS, RT(R)
Phone: (831) 479-5056
Dept. Email: radtech@cabrillo.edu
Program Coordinator: Natalya Miller
Email: namiller@cabrillo.edu
Phone: (831) 479-6303

Medical Assisting Program
Medical Assisting positions offer competitive salaries and benefits, along with opportunities to advance in your career.
Medical Assisting Director: Ashlyn James, CMA(AAMA)
Phone: (831) 477-3482
Program Coordinator: Natalya Miller
Email: namiller@cabrillo.edu
Phone: (831) 479-6303

Phlebotomy Program
The Cabrillo College Phlebotomy Program is accredited by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) to train students to become a Certified Phlebotomy Technician I (CPT1). The Phlebotomy Program is offered twice a year - in fall and in spring semester.
Program Coordinator: Natalya Miller
Email: namiller@cabrillo.edu
Phone: (831) 479-6303

Stroke and Disability Learning Center
Since 1974, the Stroke and Disability Learning Center (SDLC) has provided an interdisciplinary educational program for adults who have survived a stroke or are living with disabling conditions. The SDLC is a unique program at Cabrillo College that starts where medical rehabilitation leaves off. Patients become students and enroll in specialized classes to develop strategies and gain skills in a supportive learning community.
Director: Sally Weiss
Phone: (831) 477-3307
Program Coordinator: Jodi Zenczak
Email: jozencza@cabrillo.edu
Phone: (831) 477-3300