Degrees and Certificates

Check out what our program offers!

Art Photography - Associate in Arts (A.A.) Degree
Working toward this degree, you’ll gain a strong foundation in the use of traditional and digital photographic technologies, the evolution of photographic and video art aesthetics and practice, composition and visual communication, and the ways in which images function in culture and society (Image Literacy).
This course of study bridges traditional black-and-white photography, digital photography, video and moving image art, historical, alternative, and experimental photographic processes, lighting, history of photography, history of experimental film/video, and contemporary trends.
Classes emphasize the technical, creative image making, critical analysis, and visual communication skills needed to prepare for transfer to four-year institutions or employment in the field.
Read more about what you’ll focus on when working toward the Associates Degree

Earn as many as six Certificates of Achievement in as little as 16-19 units each!
Historical and Alternative Photographic Processes Certificate of Achievement
Image Use in Professional Settings Certificate of Achievement
Traditional Black and White Photography Certificate of Achievement
Read more about what you’ll focus on when working toward any of the Certificates of Achievement
Noncredit Certificates
These six Certificates of Completion are great for continuing education as they are free, repeatable, pass/no pass, skill building or job-enhancing certificates
Our program offers a wide range of courses to meet your needs and goals. All courses transfer to either the UC or CSU systems.
Ready to Unleash Your Creativity?
Sign up for classes today. If you have questions, please contact Lesley Louden or Janet Fine.
Ready to Unleash Your Creativity?