Articulation Department
Evaluating Cabrillo Transferable Degrees

Interested in viewing information on evaluating for UC, CSU, and Cabrillo AA/AS Degrees? These links will take you directly to what you looking for!
Campus-Specific Links
Transfer Evaluation System (TES)
IGETC and University of California Evaluation

California State Universities (CSU)
Evaluating Cabrillo AA and AS Degrees
Upper Division Coursework for A.A./A.S. Local Degrees
Title V states: A college may also accept toward satisfaction of this requirement courses that were not completed at a California community college that would reasonably be expected to meet or exceed the standards of section 55002(a).
Upper division courses may be used to fulfill general education requirements.
Multicultural Studies Requirement
A Diversity requirement at a CCC or regionally accredited university, can be used to fulfill our Multicultural Studies Requirement.