Mission/Purpose Statement
In 2018, three categorical student support programs were integrated fiscally into one program: The Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Program.
The Trailer Bill language for this initiative states that it is the intent of the Legislature that funds for the Student Equity and Achievement Program support the California Community Colleges in advancing the systemwide goal to boost achievement for all students with an emphasis on eliminating achievement gaps for students from traditionally underrepresented groups by doing of all of the following:
(A) Implementing activities and practices pursuant to the California Community College Guided Pathways Grant Program.
(B) Ensuring students complete their educational goals and a defined course of study.
(C) Providing quality curriculum, instruction, and support services to students who enter college deficient in English and mathematics.
To align with the new directive, the Cabrillo Basic Skills Initiative (BSI), the Student Equity Program, and the Student Success and Support Program (SSSP) were integrated into the new SEA program. A Cabrillo SEA committee has been established and meets regularly to discuss the integration of the programs and services into the new Guided Pathways framework.
Goal One. Ensure a system to track and provide timely Educational Planning for all students.
Goal Two. Continue to refine sustainability plan for support for Guided Pathways and Student Equity initiatives.
Goal Three. Establish a funding request process for SEA funds as well as any SEA Carryover funds.
1. Develop a form and a process for requesting SEA funds.
2. Coordinate the SEA fundling request process with Institutional Effectiveness Committee procedure and other college resource request processes.
Goal Four: To continue to evaluate the impact of AB705 implementation.
1. Review the success data for determination of effective placement and planning procedures.
2. Refine process for improvements in communication and practice.
Goal Five: Continue to assess math, English, and ESL support programs and courses for students.
1. Complete full assessment of Supplemental Instruction program.
2. Assess and analyze the Math Plus delivery model changes.
3. Review data related to credit and non-credit support courses.
Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Program Fund Request Form
Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) Funding Selection Rubric
Who They Report To
College Planning Committee (CPC)
Meetings are scheduled on the third Monday of the month from 3:00-5:00 p.m.
Link to Agendas and Minutes
Chair and Member Listing
Dr. Devin Walker, Director of Student Equity and Success, Chair
Adela Naranjo-Bernabe, DREAM Resource Program Coordinator
Alta Northcutt, Director of Student Life and Welcome Services
Amy Mahoney, Human Resources Analyst Confidential
Ann Endris, Title V Director
Annabelle Rodriguez, Dean of Career Education & Workforce Development
Annie Jones, Director, Tutoring & Academic Support Services
Anya Finke, Next Steps Program Coordinator
Barbara Schultz-Perez, Academic Counselor
Dr. Blanca Baltazar-Sabbah, Dean of ACCESS
Courtney Morillo, Executive Assistant to the Vice President of Student Services
Dave Reynolds, Dean of Natural and Applied Sciences (NAS)
Desha Staley-Raatior, Career Development Director
Eduardo Cervantes, Dean of Education Centers, Distance Ed, and Dual Enrollment
Flor Chacon, Veterans Program Coordinator
Jasmine Northcutt, Administrative Assistant to the Dean of Student Services
Jyothi Suresh, Math Instructor and Department Chair
Katie Dowling, Nurse Practitioner
Keyiona Ritchey, Guardian Scholars Program Coordinator
Li Hlavaty, Library Services Coordinator
Dr. Michelle Donohue-Mendoza, Dean of Student Services
Michelle Haverly, Tutoring & Academic Support Services Program Coordinator
Olga Diaz, Watsonville Education Center Manager
Ricardo Espinoza, Supplemental Instruction Coordination
Salvetoria Larter, Director of Academic Counseling
Sheryl Kern-Jones, Learning Disabilities Specialist
Stephen Blohm, Institutional Research Analyst, Statistician
Steve Schessler, English Department Chair, Faculty Lead for Guided Pathways, Lead Honors Faculty
Tera Martin, Coordinator, Integrated Learning Center (ILC)
Terrence Willett, Dean of Planning, Research & Institutional Effectiveness
Terri Owen, Senior Financial Support Specialist
Violette Reeves, Fiscal Analyst