This workshop will focus on Habits of Mind through spotlight presentations, group conversations, and breakout sessions. The event includes an introduction to and overview of Fostering Habits of Mind in Today's Students: A New Approach to Developmental Education, the result of collaborative efforts involving CSU Monterey Bay, Cabrillo, and Hartnell colleges. Gavilan College representatives will also share their work with Habits of Mind across campus. Breakout sessions follow each spotlight presentation.
Habits of Mind workshop: Friday, April 24th 9:00 - 3:30 pm
Documents and materials from the workshop:
Habits of Mind 4/24 Workshop Agenda
Habits of Mind 16 characteristics summary outline (1 page)
Habits of Mind 13 page overview (13 pages)
Habits of Mind Introduction presentation (Ann Foster, Lauren Servais) - Click here for PDF version