student viewing installation in gallery
Cabrillo Gallery

Art 51L Museum Viewing Lab

What is this class?

  • ART 51L is .5 unit credit course that is a self-paced, independent study lab.
  • ART 51L is a hybrid lab co-requisite, to be taken with an intermediate level Art Studio or Art Photography course you are enrolled in.
  • There are no class meetings; all course work is done independently, on your own time.
  • All course information is accessed in CANVAS, where course work is also submitted.
  • This course must be successfully completed once with a Pass grade.

What kind of work will you do for this course?

For ART 51L, you will view art in online museums and/or other approved exhibition venues. After each viewing, you will create a report by answering a series of questions for each of your 8 viewings.

You will turn in your completed reports template in CANVAS.

Instructions to get started in this course

1. Register:

Need to enroll in ART 51L Museum Viewing Lab?
Which section should you register for?
  • Note: Enroll in one section of Art 51L only, even if you take two or more art classes in one semester for which ART 51L is the hybrid-requisite.
  • The first section of this course is closed for registration on the first day of the semester.
  • After the semester has begun, just sign up for any one of the other sections offered in WebAdvisor.
  • Please note: ALL sections are immediately accessible to students from the beginning of the semester. (You can ignore the listed start date in WebAdvisor).
Do you need an add code?
  • No add permissions needed, unless you are a concurrently enrolled high school student. If so, contact instructor for an add permission.
Having problems registering?

2. Access the Course in Canvas

CANVAS is Cabrillo's online learning platform where the Art 51L course materials are located.

  • Once you have enrolled in the course you will have access to the Art 51L CANVAS page, but it may take several hours after you register before your CANVAS login access for the course is activated.
  • Use the same login you use for WebAdvisor to log into CANVAS.
  • If you need help, contact the CTC (Computer Technology Center). They are fantastically helpful! Email: Phone: 831-477-5286 or 831-786-4703
  • Live support is also available via Zoom. Visit the CTC website for a detailed schedule of when they are online.
  • Canvas Hotline after hours help, available anytime after 5pm and on weekends! Phone: 1-877-982-1780. 
  • Once you are in Canvas, you can click the "Help" icon on the left-menu for a variety of options.

3. Review all course modules.

  • When you log into CANVAS and click on the ART 51L link, you will be taken to the Course HOME page.
  • On the HOME page, your instructor has provided the information you will need to get started. 
  • From there you will navigate through the Course Modules in CANVAS to find all the information you need to do the course work properly.


Have any questions about ART 51L? We are always happy to help!

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Gallery + Museum Viewing Labs
Library 1002, 6500 Soquel Dr. Aptos, CA 95003
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