image of sign painted letters on mylar stacked on top of one another spelling out post-factual

Cabrillo Gallery

Contextual: Visualizing Language

September 30–October 25, 2019

This exhibition features the work of seven artists who synthesize art and language: Joe Amrhein, Squeak Carnwath, Kevin B. Chen, Lalla Essaydi, Ward Schumaker, Sarah Swett, and Annie Vought. The medium and the message vary from one artist to the next, each of them combining the transcription of text with the visual vocabularies of their chosen art forms. Fictional fabrications, political and cultural commentary, philosophical musings, the "sign language" of advertising, and deeply personal familial tributes are expressed through painting, printmaking, drawing, tapestry, photography, collage, mixed media, and cut paper.

View the exhibition image gallery below.

title wall of exhibition space with work on mylar with vertical strips of signmaker lettering
Lalla Essaydi, Kevin B. Chen, Squeak Carnwath, Joe Anrheim
installation view with image of woman covered with arabic handwriting
Lalla Essaydi, Kevin B. Chen, Squeak Carnwath
installation view with text painting in crude block print
Joe Anrheim, Squeak Carnwath
installation view with painting made up of heavilly layered letters
Squeak Carnwath, Ward Schumaker
installation view with tapestry weaving with detailed handwritten text woven in
Sarah Swett
installation of broadsides with stencilled trump quotes
Ward Schumaker