Cabrillo Gallery

Extraordinary Ordinary: Cardboard Reimagined
January 27–February 28, 2020
Link to exhibition images here or view at bottom of page
Featuring: Scott Fife, Taro Hattori, Jason Schneider, Ann Weber, and Dag Weiser
Cardboard is everywhere in our lives. It is a cheap material used for storing, packaging and shipping, but it becomes useless once it has done its job… a residual material, to be discarded. Cardboard is perfectly recyclable, at least, but it is also astoundingly "up-cyclable," as the artists in this exhibition strikingly demonstrate. Using a variety of inventive approaches to crafting forms from cardboard, they elevate this throwaway material from its humble, utilitarian origins, transforming it into extraordinary, sophisticated works of art.
View the exhibition image gallery below.