fabricated metal flower, wall sculpture

Cabrillo Gallery

Student Exhibition 2023

April 24 - May 19, 2023
Reception: April 29, 2023 3-5pm
Student Art Sale, April 29, 2023 during the reception

Student Exhibition 2023 is a wide-ranging survey of artwork produced by students in the Cabrillo College Art Studio and Art Photography Departments during the Spring 2023 semester. It showcases an outstanding cross-section of student talent and creative imagination, demonstrating the dedication and hard work our students apply to learn and refine their ideas, skills and techniques. This exhibition includes artworks in a great variety of disciplines and media, including painting, drawing, printmaking, ceramics, sculpture, small-scale metals/jewelry, digital fabrication, graphic design, mixed media, woodworking, video, and traditional, alternative process and digital photography.

Image: Melissa Paquette The Phoenix Rising, Rae B. Fontaine, Eyes of the Beheld, raku fired ceramic. Gallery view Student Exhibition 2022

Melissa Paquette, "The Phoenix Rising", ceramic
Rae B. Fontaine, Eyes of the Beheld, raku fired ceramic
Student exhibition, Gallery view