Political Science - Transfer Pathway to CSUMB
Program Overview
Political Science is the systematic study of politics, political institutions and governmental processes by the application of scientific methods of analysis and critical examination.
Political science is concerned with the objectives and ends of politics and the way in which political society should be organized in order to realize those objectives and ends.
Courses in political science enable students to study and understand how political and governmental institutions make and implement decisions and the effects those decisions have on individual, group, and societal behavior.
A political science major generally transfers to a four-year institution to complete a B.A. degree. Political science graduates with B.A. degrees are qualified for a variety of positions in government and non-governmental institutions; graduates are prepared to enter graduate studies in various disciplines, including political science, law, journalism and business. Teaching at the community college level is an option providing that an M.A. and/or a Ph.D. degree is obtained. Possession of the Ph.D. could lead to research and teaching at the university level.
This is a suggested sequence of coursework and is one pathway for students to earn their degree/certificate. This is not an official educational plan. A counselor is able to assist you with creating a personalized education plan based on your academic, career, and personal goals. For more information about counseling and up-to-date program requirements, please visit https://www.cabrillo.edu/counseling/
For a more detailed program map of suggested courses, see the Political Science AA-T program map.
Transfer Pathways
This suggested course sequence is a transfer pathway to CSUMB Social & Behavioral Political Economy Sciences Transfer Pathway.