Crest with "STEM" and drawing of atomic symbol

Frequently Asked Questions

General Information About CAPs

What is a Career and Academic Pathway (CAP)?

  • A Career and Academic Pathway (CAP) is a group of related disciplines that share some courses, skills, and themes in common. These CAPs make it easier for students in the CAP to learn more about career options in those disciplines and to find the most relevant support and resources to help them along the way. CAPs also provide a chance to connect with fellow students through themed events, peer mentors, and promoting current student clubs.

What are the benefits of being part of a CAP?

  • Being part of a CAP helps students to find tailored resources, events, and information just right for their needs. CAPs also make it easier to connect with faculty and students pursuing the same interests.

Do I have to sign up to be part of the CAPs?

  • Nope, it happens automatically based on your major, so you are all set.

How do I find out which CAP I am in?

  • Check the list of majors and certificates on each CAP webpage, such as this list for STEM. Or, visit the webpage for your major department (such as Astronomy) and look for the CAP listed under Program Information. Some majors are categorized in two CAPs, so students in these majors may find useful resources and events in both CAP groups.

What if I want to change my CAP or major?

  • Check in with an academic counselor. It is always best to connect with an academic counselor regarding decisions about your major. Academic counseling is being provided online while we continue with remote learning. In Fall 2021, we anticipate academic counseling will be available both in-person and online. Check the Academic Counseling webpage for the latest information.

What if I have not yet declared a major?

  • Since CAP events are open to everyone, they are a good opportunity to explore options. Looking through the CAP webpages and using the Career Coach tool can also help you see how your interests may align with a major. Academic counselors and career workshops are available as well.

Can I go to events hosted by other CAPs, or can I only attend things for my CAP?

  • Yes, events are open to everyone no matter their CAP! They are also a great chance to explore CAPs if you are undecided.

Who can I contact with more specific questions about CAP resources and upcoming CAP events?

  • Contact your CAP Ambassadors. We are here to answer your questions and provide support. Email us today!
COVID-19 Information

Where can I find the latest information on the College's response to the COVID-19 pandemic?

  • Because the pandemic situation continues to change, the College maintains the latest information in one place on our COVID-19 webpage. Visit that page for updates on safety protocols and answers to frequently asked questions about the safe return to campus.

Is it true the College is going to have more in-person classes and services available in Fall 2021?

  • Yes, we are offering more in-person classes and services at both the Aptos and Watsonville locations this fall! Learn more on the COVID-19 webpage. We are also continuing to offer online classes for students who prefer that format.

If I'm still taking online classes, can I get a loaner laptop?

  • Yes, the College is still operating the Loaner Laptop program! Learn more about the program and how to submit your equipment request on the COVID-19 webpage.

Will I be required to get a COVID-19 vaccine before returning to campus?

  • Visit the College's COVID-19 webpage for the latest information on this and other safety precautions that will help us safely expand our in-person offerings this fall. The Cabrillo College COVID-19 Prevention Plan and Safe Reopening Plan and the Safe Return to Campus FAQ posted on that page are especially helpful.
STEM Questions

Will the STEM Center and other learning centers (like the HUB or ILC) be open in-person, online, or both in Fall 2021?

  • For general updates on the College's safe return to campus visit the COVID-19 webpage. For updates on specific Learning Centers, visit the Learning Centers webpage and select the Learning Center of your choice to learn more about accessing their services.

Where should I go if I want to participate in STEM related clubs?

  • Cabrillo offers a variety of different STEM related clubs. The list of active clubs may change each semester. Check out the current list on the STEM Student Clubs webpage. You may also be interested in the Cabrillo Makerspace.

How do I know which math class to enroll in?

  • To stay on track with their academic goals, students should take math in their first year at the College. The math options vary depending on your major. For a general overview about selecting math and English courses, visit the Placement Services webpage. For more details specifically about math courses, check out this Placement for Mathematics information. When deciding which math class to take, be sure to check with an academic counselor for specific guidance about which course is most appropriate for you.

I have not had a math class for a long time, what should I do to prepare?

  • If you want to refresh your math skills before taking more advanced math or stats, check out our noncredit math courses. Noncredit math courses are free, repeatable, low-stress options for students who want to strengthen their math foundations. Another option we offer is MathPLUS, which is a FREE math preparation program designed to prepare students for their upcoming math courses.

Are there any scholarship opportunities available to people with majors in the STEM CAP?

  • The Dan Calugar Finance Scholarship is for junior, senior, or postgraduate students who are in a Computer Science, Mathematics, or Finance major or degree program.

  • The Financial Futures Scholarship is for students with 3.5 GPA or higher majoring in Business, Accounting, Finance, Mathematics, Management, or other related programs.

  • The Extreme Terrain Scholarship is for students pursuing a degree in Environmental Studies, Environmental Research, Land Use, Earth and Atmosphere Studies, Sustainable Land Management, Parks and Recreation, or Sustainable Agriculture Systems.

  • Learn more about and apply for Women in STEM Scholarships.

For even more information about scholarship opportunities across disciplines, check out the Financial Aid Office's scholarships webpage.