Marketing, Sales, & Services

The three pathways in this sector are Marketing, Professional Sales, and Entrepreneurship/Self-Employment.
All three emphasize training to meet the growing need for marketing professionals with skills in communication, small business, self-employment, advertising, marketing strategies, product and service management, and promotion and selling concepts. These pathways provide a firm foundation for advanced education, entry to a career, and success in the global marketplace. All industry sectors include entrepreneurship and marketing, and therefore students in the Marketing, Sales, and Services sector have a variety of career options.

Art and Maker Entrepreneurship Online Certificate of Completion (Noncredit)
1-2 Semesters
The Art and Maker Entrepreneurship Online Certificate of Completion is a noncredit certificate designed to introduce students to various forms of tools and technology to market and display artwork and handmade products online. Topics include using tools strategically for self-promotion and creation of procedures for processing and selling art in an online marketplace. Students prepare their art for display, describe product(s), write effective content, and discover ways to reach potential buyers or collectors of their art. Students will have the opportunity to either learn about leading social media platforms and tools, platform users, and the transformation of the way we professionally connect and interact or learn the tools and techniques for photographing products such as small objects, food, or art with a smartphone or introductory camera. Upon completion of this certificate, students will be prepared to sell products in an online marketplace. May be offered in a distance-learning format.
Social Media Skills Certificate
1 Semester
The Social Media Skills Certificate teaches the fundamentals of social media as applied to the business and professional workplace setting.