Large group of multi-ethnic young people
Career Services

Employers Recruiting for Jobs and Internships

The Employment & Internship Office provides employers with the opportunity to recruit Cabrillo students and alumni for employment and internships through the Seahawk Job Board. These tools allow employers to post job and internship opportunities that are shared through various modes of outreach as well as directly in the classroom.

In addition, employers can also attend and participate in multiple on campus and off campus hiring events and job fairs. Event information as well as tips on how to prepare and maximize these opportunities can be found below.

Seahawk Job Board powered by Jobspeaker

The Seahawk Job Board powered by Jobspeaker is an online job database that is free for employers to use. Employers are encouraged to post both jobs and internships on this site. By utilizing this system, you will gain access to a talent pipeline and specifically search for potential employees with the skills and training that you desire. Log-in to your account to post a new job or read on for information on how to create your account!

On-Campus Cabrillo departments should contact to have an account created for you. This will designate your postings as "On-Campus".

Job Board image
Job Board

Creating a Job Posting:

Employer Login:

  1. Click on Need an Account: Create login with name, email, password and company name. Note: Private individuals or families please use a name under Company. For example: Smith Family

  2. When you sign-in for the first time, you'll be directed to complete your Employer Profile. This only needs to be completed once.

  3. From your Dashboard, navigate to the "Jobs" option on the left-hand side. Then select "Post a Job" in the top right of the screen.

  4. The screen to enter the job information will popup. Job Title, Type, Location, Number of positions, Skills, and Description are all required fields. Cabrillo also requires Salary information. Scroll down for more about Cabrillo's expectations for Employers.

  5. Once you have completed the job entry the posting will be sent for review and approval. Scroll down to learn about Cabrillo's expectations for Employers.

You will receive an email notice when your posting has been approved. You can manage your job posting(s) from the Jobs section. If you opted to collect applications through Jobspeaker, these will be visible from your Dashboard. If you have further questions contact us at

A diverse group of people during a recruiting event

Additional Ways to Recruit and Hire

Career Fairs: During the months of March & April Cabrillo College is hosting three career fairs. These events are free for employers to participate in. Please fill out this interest form or contact if you're interested in participating in a recruitment event.

Host an Info Session or On Campus Interviews: Employers are also invited to schedule an information session about their company, discuss the hiring process, and conduct on campus interviews with our students. To schedule an information session or interview email

Tabling On Campus - Employers are welcome to table on campus, but need to submit a request through the Welcome Center. Click on vendor request form and then submit the Employer Campus Use Request Form & Campus Use Request Liability.

Expectations for Employers Using Jobspeaker

The following is what Cabrillo expects from employers to continue using our Job Board.

  • All postings must share some compensation details. We will not accept postings with no salary, just DOE, or only "negotiable". You may provide a starting wage, or an estimate with the caveat that you are open to negotiation.

  • Minimum wage, including overtime for any jobs over 40 hours/week, must be adhered to.

  • Links need to be tested. If a link is broken, we will send the posting back to you for your review.

  • We will not approve postings that contain discriminatory requirements based on a protected class. This includes requirements around citizenship, gender, sex, and/or age.

  • We are unable to approve posts for employment within the cannabis industry at this time.

  • Upfront fees are not acceptable and we will not post positions that require candidates to pay for services as part of their onboarding. This includes fees for fingerprints, demonstration supplies, uniforms, etc.

  • Unless you specify otherwise, applications will be collected through this platform. Employers who regularly ignore applications received through Jobspeaker without providing alternative application methods may lose their ability to post.

  • We reserve the right to remove employers who we believe to be engaging in fraud or attempting to scam individuals without notice.

  • Job postings need to have an end date. We recommend no more than 4 – 8 weeks. You may repost if needed.

  • Job shares with "All Cabrillo students" will not be approved. If approved, your job posting will be published to the Cabrillo Job Board which all Cabrillo students have access to.

If your post requires edits due to any of the above, your post will not be published until edits or corrections are made, leading to potential delays in your advertisement. If you would like further explanation of the features of Jobspeaker and/or have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the Student Employment Office.

Recommendations for Employers Using Jobspeaker
  • Be sure you have verified your email address and have marked as a safe sender to avoid emails landing in your spam folder.

    • You can initiate the email verification by navigating to your profile in Jobspeaker (select the photo icon in the top right corner)

    • Selecting Settings & Security

    • Choose Email Addresses from the menu on the left

    • Keep in mind if you need to add additional people to your employer account, they should register for their own account. The Office can assist with this process - contact

  • Check your email settings to ensure you are notified of applications, messages from students, etc.

  • You can access this by navigating to your profile (select the photo icon in the top right corner)

  • Select Emails & Notifications and make the appropriate changes via the toggle switches.

  • When posting a job, be as descriptive as possible about the general duties of the position. Single sentence job descriptions are difficult for students to understand the potential benefits and/or applicability to their career development.

  • The description is an opportunity for you to share expectations around resources provided to the employee(s). For example, if travel is required for the job, will you provide a vehicle, mileage, etc. What training will be provided? Be descriptive about what effort you as the employer can provide.

  • Provide a brief overview of what applicants can expect in the application process. Will their application be acknowledged? Will candidates not chosen be notified the position has been filled? If you use Jobspeaker to manage your applications, the features embedded in the application review can assist with this.