faculty with working each other
Career Services



A great way to build professional connections, increase work experience and update your resume for the career path you want.

Internships for Your Major or Career

Earn college credit for your internship. Develop networking, career skills and professional growth goals.

Work Experience for Credit

Earn credit for a job you already have while building your professional skills.

What is an internship? Any opportunity that allows a student to apply learned skills and theories to a hands-on paid or unpaid employment environment.

How to find an Internship:

To access opportunities, create an account and browse our Seahawk Job Board (link) today! Employers who have internship opportunities are encouraged to post them on our Job Board. How to access the Job Board

Shoutout: Are you an employer? Download this template (link) to help you design your internship job description and post your opportunity.

How to prepare to apply:

Just like applying for a job, you will want an up-to-date resume and to choose a position that aligns with your career goals, where you are building skills. We can help you do this through our Career Support Services. sign-up for our one-on-one support and we will work with you to update your resume and connect you with employers. We also offer resume workshops and Self-paced resume courses–see our schedule here and sign up today!

How to request credit for your internship:

Did you know you can earn college credit for your internship or work experience? For more information about these options select Internships for Credit or Work Experience for Credit.

Do you have an internship? We want to hear about it!

Are you currently participating in an internship? We want to know what our students are up to, share with us here.

Community Health Workers talking with a group of people
"After becoming a community care navigator I realized that I enjoy social work and that was something I would not have known if I had not taken this new position. This class has allowed me to contribute to the training required for others who also want to become community health workers with Community Bridges. I am proud of myself for learning to be flexible and realizing that working in social work requires flexibility. "
Ana Gomez, Community Bridges, Community Health Worker Major