Chemistry Links

These links do not represent an exhaustive compilation of all the chemistry resources available on the World Wide Web - far from it. Rather, these are some specific sites we recommend as good sources of information for students and faculty, as well as good examples of uses of newly developing technologies in Chemistry-related fields such as Molecular Modeling and Computational Biology.
An excellent, exaustive source for chemistry resources on the internet is The World Wide Web Virtual Library , maintained by UCLA.
- American Chemical Society The ACS offers a multitude of services to members, such as chemical abstracts services, job search services, educational materials, and more.
- ACS Santa Clara Valley SectionOur local chapter of the American Chemical Society.
- The World Wide Web Virtual Library Links to a vast collection of chemistry web sites on the internet, maintained by UCLA. Hasn't been updated for awhile.
- Upmea University Analytical Chemistry Chemistry Teaching Resources, the Analytical Chemistry Springboard, and Scientific Output are a few of the lists of links maintained by this Swedish site.
Organic Chemistry
- C4: Computers in Chemistry at Cabrillo College The C4 Project is a National Science Foundation-supported project based at Cabrillo College. Created by Dr. Harry Ungar and now headed by Cabrillo chemistry instructor Dr. Jason Camara, C4 is developing multimedia chemistry visualization software for chemistry and biochemistry instructors and students.
- Colby College Organic Chemistry Online
Molecule Search Engines and Databases
- CambridgeSoft ChemFinder Chemfinder is a very useful database of small organic and inorganic molecules, which offers structures, physical constants, and web links for each compound. Structures are only available in the 2D CS ChemDraw format. The free ChemDraw Net viewer is available from the CambridgeSoft web site.
- NIH Protein Data Bank Search
- RCSC Protein Data Bank
- Chemistry Database
Molecular Modeling and Chime
- MDL Information Services Developers of the Chime plug-in, which allows inline display of molecular models by Netscape Navigator.
- C4: Computers in Chemistry at Cabrillo College The C4 Project is a National Science Foundation-supported project based at Cabrillo College. Created by Dr. Harry Ungar and now headed by Cabrillo chemistry instructor Dr. Jason Camara, C4 is developing multimedia chemistry visualization software for chemistry and biochemistry instructors and students.
- A Chime Tutorial
- A Jmol TutorialFrom the aforementioned C4 Project, this is an introductory tutorial on using Chime. Highly recommended.
- Chime Resources by Eric Martz This is the premier site for anyone wanting to learn how to use Chime and Rasmol. In addition to maintaining this site and the Rasmol Home Page, Martz has developed several Chime-based biochemistry tutorials. Martz has also compiled the comprehensive World Index to Educational BioMolecular Structure Tutorials in Chime and Rasmol list. It is the most complete directory of biological Chime resources.
- Interactive Biochemistry at U. Virginia Has an excellent teaching module using Chime.
- Stereochemistry Online at Colby College Uses Chime to teach stereochemistry.
- Rasmol A public domain viewer with a strong rendering engine and powerful scripting capabilities. Used as the foundation for the development of Chime.
- CambridgeSoft Makers of ChemDraw, Chem3D. They also maintain the ChemFinder search site.
- Advanced Chemistry Development This link will take you to ACD's on-line databases. You can also click here to download their free ChemDraw molecular modeling software.
Molecular Biology
Combinatorial Chemistry
Other Chemistry Links Pages

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