Structure & Governance

Estructura governalmental / Structure and Governance
Membership: Chicano/Latino Affairs Council is open to all Cabrillo College faculty, staff, and students who are interested in Latino/a affairs on campus and in the greater community.
Meetings: Meetings are held during each Flex week, then at least once per fall and spring semesters. In most years, C/LAC meets three times each semester on the third Wednesday of the month from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm via Zoom.
Leadership: A convener and co-convener may be selected or a leadership committee may be set up. As a model of community based leadership, and to promote leadership development, selection criteria for the conveners should include the representation of both classified and certificated staff, as well as a gender balance, if possible. Terms of office are one year with the possibility of renewal.
Committees: Chicano/Latino Affairs Council members serve on college wide committees and report back to the membership during our monthly meetings. In addition, committees form on an as-needed basis to accomplish our goals and mission.
Chicano/Latino Affairs Council members may serve on any college committee and report back whenever developments of interest occur. C/LAC members have served the following committees: College Planning Committee (CPC), Budget Committee (BC), Facilities Planning Committee (FPC), Instititional Effectiveness Committe (IEC), Safety Committee, Student Equity and Achievement Committee (SEA), Technology Committee (TECH), Curriculum Committee, Faculty Senate, Cabrillo Classified Employee Union (CCEU), Cabrillo College Federation of Teachers (CCFT), Outcomes Assessment Review Committee (OARC).
Cabrillo College Governing Board: The C/LAC conveners present to Governing Board each May to summarize what happened during the academic year and to highlight next steps.
Cabrillo College Shared Governance & C/LAC
The Chicano/Latino Affairs council reviewed our role within Cabrillo College over a two year period: 22/23 & 23/24 academic years. We reviewed Cabrillo's Shared Governance structures and discussed many different possiblities, including applying to become one of Cabrillo participatory governance committees. As a group we decided to maintain our presence outside of Cabrillo's structural hierarchy so that we could continue to collaborate with all constituencies that relate to our mission statement.
We decided to stay outside of Cabrillo's Shared Governance structures, for the following reasons:
By staying as an independent organization within Cabrillo College, all students, faculty, staff, administrators, and Governing Board of Trustees may join C/LAC and collaborate. (Joining Cabrillo’s hierarchal structure would have prohibited Trustees from joining C/LAC as members.)
C/LAC can directly address the Cabrillo College Governing Board of Trustees without approval from other participatory governance committees, administrators, or the college president. (Joining Cabrillo’s hierarchal structure would have stopped our direct access to the Cabrillo College Governing Board of Trustees.)
C/LAC members already serve on various committees, including those listed as Cabrillo participatory governance committees.
In addition, C/LAC now has two permanent representatives:
A C/LAC representative serves on Faculty Senate. (This is a non-voting position, one year term.)
A C/LAC representative serves on the HSI Leadership Team. (This is a voting positiion, two-year term.)