Clinical Compliance Managed By Student Health Services

Castle Branch

What is Castle Branch?

Castle Branch is a web-based company that provides a central clearing house for your compliance information. This enables not only the Clinical Compliance Coordinator but also, the clinical sites access to your compliance information. You will purchase three items from Castle Branch:

  1. A document manager (one-time purchase)
  2. A background check (one time purchase unless you take time off from your program)
  3. A drug screen (annual requirement normally purchased twice)

Once you set up your account you will be able to upload all documents needed for compliance and have access to your Background Check and Drug Screen when they are completed. They also offer you online storage for personal documents, help with writing reference requests and other services.

When and How Do I Sign Up for my Castle Branch Account?

In order to purchase the three items listed above, you will need codes called "package codes." These codes will be provided to you at your compliance session.

In order to purchase the three items listed above, you will need codes called "package codes." These code will be provided to you at your compliance session.

To Sign Up:

Go to and click on "Place Order." Enter the package code(s) given to you at the compliance session in the "Package Code" box.

I Need Help!!!

  • Go to Support at Castle Branch and follow the instructions
  • In order to purchase the three items listed above, you will need codes called "package codes." These codes will be provided to you at your compliance session. are completed. They also offer you online storage for personal documents, help with writing reference requests, and other services.
Student using an xray machine
Student and instructor practicing patient care in a hospital bed
Students standing together on the stairs