Clinical Compliance Managed By Student Health Services

Health Screening

There are multiple Health Screening requirements needed to enter clinical sites. 

In order to assure patient and student safety the following immunizations, titers and screenings are required by the clinical sites. Students will not be allowed to enter the clinical site unless these requirements are complete and up to date.

TB Screening: there are 3 ways to become compliant with regards to TB screening:

Option one: 3 consecutive years of negative TB skin tests: If you have had negative TB skin tests for the past 3 years, you may upload copies of these skin tests to Certified in order to become compliant. Skin tests must be 11-13 months apart in order to be approved.

Option two: History of a positive TB skin test: If you have a history of a positive TB skin test, you can still become compliant. We will need more documentation.

DH students: you will need the following

  • Documentation of the positive TB skin test including your name, date of birth, mms of induration, designation as "positive," stamp or letterhead from facility, signature and date of skin test reader
  • Results of a quantiferon gold test (repeated annually)
  • A completed TB Screening Questionnaire Form (repeated annually)

RN and RT students: you will need the following:

  • Documentation of the positive TB skin test including your name, date of birth, mms of induration, designation as "positive," stamp or letterhead from facility, signature and date of skin test reader
  • Results of a chest x-ray within 6 months of entry into your program
  • A completed TB Screening Questionnaire Form (repeated annually)

Option three: 2-stage TB testing. This is the way that most students will become compliant with regard to TB. Keep in mind that you will need 4 visits to Student Health Services or your healthcare provider to complete the process.

  • First visit (generally Monday-Wednesday): insertion of PPD for skin testing
  • Second visit (48-72 hrs later): reading of the first skin test. As long as this test is negative, proceed to your third visit (below). IF THE SKIN TEST IS POSITIVE, FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR "OPTION TWO."
  • Third visit (1-3 weeks after your first test): insertion of PPD for skin testing
  • Fourth visit (48-72 hrs later): reading of the second skin test
  • Upload results of BOTH tests to Certified

Titers: You will need positive antibody titers for the following: MMR (measles, mumps, rubella); Varicella or chicken pox; and Hepatitis B. If you are not positive for one or more of these tests, you will need to get some number of booster shots and then re-titer.

Hep A: In order to satisfy this requirement, you will need EITHER a positive HEP A antibody titer OR proof of 2 HEP A shots or proof of 3 TWINRIX shots.

TDAP immunization.

Annual flu shot between August and October 1. All students who fail to get a flu shot prior to October 1 will need to wear a mask in the clinical setting from the moment you walk in the door. If you choose not to get an annual flu shot at all or if you cannot get the flu shot due to allergies, YOU WILL NEED TO WEAR A MASK IN THE CLINICAL SETTING FROM OCTOBER 1 THROUGH APRIL 1

Physical Exam using the Cabrillo College Allied Health Physical Exam form given to you at your compliance session

Drug Screen: Every year you will need to get a drug screen through Castle Branch and Quest labs. Purchase your drug screen through Castle Branch using the "package code" given to you at your compliance session. Take your Quest labs drug screen form to Quest and leave your form and your sample. Results of your drug screen will automatically post to Castle Branch. REMEMBER THIS IS AN ANNUAL REQUIREMENT!

You will be expected to upload documents proving your compliance for each health screening requirement to your Castle Branch tracking account.

In general if you are proving:

Any shot you need:

  • Yellow immunization card
  • Print out from you online medical account(such as from Kaiser or PAMF)
  • Immunization record with doctor's letterhead

Any blood test (titer) you need:

  • Copy of lab test showing each titer with results
  • Print out from you online medical account(such as from Kaiser or PAMF)
Important links:
Students working with an xray machine
Student and instructor practicing patient care in a hospital bed
Students standing together on the clinic stairs