Clinical Compliance Managed By Student Health Services

Clinical Radiological Technology

Other Requirements for Radiologic Technology:

Compliance Fee

  • Paid every semester in March and October
  • See Deadlines page for due dates
  • Receipt needs to be uploaded to your CB account


CPR Certification

  • American Heart Association for BLS Healthcare Providers only(expires every 2 years)
  • Front and back of card uploaded to CB
  • Card must be signed by student

COM-Clinical Orientation Modules

  • Must complete every year
  • See Deadlines page for dates this is to be competed between
  • To be completed online using HealthStream
  • Go to COM/HealthStream for instructions
  • Must upload 4 COM certificates to your CB account

Background Check (one time only)

  • Your Background Check will be purchased through Certified Background
  • You will receive purchase codes through the Clinical Compliance Coordinator
  • Codes will be different for students that are placed and for students that are alternates

Consent for Release of Records and Information Policy form(one time only)

  • Must be fill out by student with student ID # and birth date
  • Must be signed and dated by student
  • Form must be stamped by the Clinical Compliance Coordinator

Radiologic Technology Student Handbook Agreement form (one time only)

  • Must be signed and dated by student

Clinical Education Handbook and Policies Agreement form(one time only)

  • Must be signed and dated by student

RT Healthcare Provider Authorization form (one time only)

  • Signed by Physician, Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner

If you are an alternate do not complete the following until you are accepted to enter your program:

  • Background Check
  • Compliance fee
  • COM
  • 2 Handbook forms (cannot be completed until semester begins)
Please see the Deadlines page for the dates the requirements are due
Student working with an xray machine
Student and instructor practicing patient care in a hospital bed
students standing on the clinic stairs