Other Requirements for Radiologic Technology:
- Paid every semester in March and October
- See Deadlines page for due dates
- Receipt needs to be uploaded to your CB account
- American Heart Association for BLS Healthcare Providers only(expires every 2 years)
- Front and back of card uploaded to CB
- Card must be signed by student
COM-Clinical Orientation Modules
- Must complete every year
- See Deadlines page for dates this is to be competed between
- To be completed online using HealthStream
- Go to COM/HealthStream for instructions
- Must upload 4 COM certificates to your CB account
Background Check (one time only)
- Your Background Check will be purchased through Certified Background
- You will receive purchase codes through the Clinical Compliance Coordinator
- Codes will be different for students that are placed and for students that are alternates
Consent for Release of Records and Information Policy form(one time only)
- Must be fill out by student with student ID # and birth date
- Must be signed and dated by student
- Form must be stamped by the Clinical Compliance Coordinator
Radiologic Technology Student Handbook Agreement form (one time only)
- Must be signed and dated by student
Clinical Education Handbook and Policies Agreement form(one time only)
- Must be signed and dated by student
RT Healthcare Provider Authorization form (one time only)
- Signed by Physician, Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner
If you are an alternate do not complete the following until you are accepted to enter your program:
- Background Check
- Compliance fee
- 2 Handbook forms (cannot be completed until semester begins)
Please see the Deadlines page for the dates the requirements are due

Department Information
Office Hours:
by appointment only. Call (831) 479-6435 or email healthservices@cabrillo.edu to make an appointment.
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