Now get the credit!

Utilize Your Accomplishments
Cabrillo accepts external exams from Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB) and College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
See If Your Scores from AP-IB-CLEP External Exams Can Be Used to Your Advantage.
Meet with an Academic Counselor to review and see where your scores could integrate into your education plan. There are limits - one example: some tests can be applied to more than one GE area but can only be used once. An Academic Counselor can help you to understand all your options and what's best for your education plan.

- Credit for Prior Learning
- Noncredit and Work Based Learning
- Aprendizaje No Crédito y Basado en el Trabajo
- Credit for Industry Certifications
- Crédito por Certificaciones Industriales
- Credit by Exam
- Crédito por Examen
- Clear Prerequisites
- Requisitos Previos Claros
- Submit Transcripts
- Enviar Transcripciones
- Credit for Military Service
- Crédito por Servicio Militar
How each score is used depends on your goal
You can receive credit for the following external examinations toward a Cabrillo A.A./A.S. degree:
Advanced Placement (AP) exams given by the College Entrance Examination Board with scores of 3, 4, or 5
International Baccalaureate (IB) exams taken at the HL (High Level) with scores 5, 6, or 7
College Level Examination Program (CLEP) scores, credit depends on discipline, refer to CLEP charts
How do I get the credit?
and other FAQs
Review your scores with an Academic Counselor. Unofficial scores are fine to get started. Before you incur the cost of official exam transcripts find out if your scores can be applied to your education plan in a way that advantages you.
Then, request Official Results from the Examination Organizations:
Make an appointment with an Academic Counselor to officially request to use the scores toward your degree.
Timing: after you submit your documents it takes ten (10) work days to process. Schedule your appointment allowing time for your documents to be processed and put into your file.