I already have the knowledge and skills equivalent to a required course.

Earn Credit by Exam

An opportunity for you

Utilize your life experience toward your educational goal.

The Credit by Exam (CbyE) Program invites you to work with a faculty member to complete exams and assignments to demonstrate that you have mastered the content of a course. This allows you to earn Cabrillo credit for an approved CbyE course in lieu of completing the course in a traditional classroom setting. This program is for students who do not have transcripts from another college showing completion of this course. Before formally starting the CbyE process, you are encouraged to meet with an Academic Counselor to see if this is right for you and to map out the best path of courses to reach your academic goal.

Required Next Steps to start the process:
  1. Request the Credit by Exam Form from the BELA Division Office, Building 300.

  2. Complete steps 1 and 2 on the Credit by Exam Form

  3. Submit the completed Credit by Exam Form to the BELA Division Office or via email

  4. Agree to pay the registration fees ($46 per unit) in writing. The fees will be added to your account.

We will verify that you meet the requirements and let you know your next steps:
  1. Pay the registration fees - the fees are non-refundable: find out what you'll need to do before starting the process and paying for the course

  2. Meet faculty designee for the coarse to arrange the details of assignments, exams, dates and deadlines

  3. Complete the exams and assignments by the established deadlines

Once you complete the exam|assignments,everything will be graded and you will be notified:
  1. You have the right to accept or decline the grade

  2. The grade will posted and you will see it on your transcript

Available in Fall and Spring Only

Credit by Exam Timeline

  • Before you request
    Meet with an Academic Counselor

    The fees are non-refundable, meeting with an Academic Counselor will help you decide if it's the right path for you before you pay the fees.

  • Notify the Division Office of intent to request Credit by Exam
    Anytime prior to the semseter

    Request in person, Bldg 300 or via email

  • Start the Credit by Exam process
    Starting in the 3rd Week of the Semester

    You can request anyime through the 10th week of the semester. Students who request before the 3rd week will be added to an email list and be notified that the Petition is open. The email will include additional information and the Petition Form; follow the instructions to start the process.

  • Deadline to petition for Credit by Exam
    10th week of the semester
  • Deadline to meet with the Instructor
    End of the 11th week of the semester

    You must meet with the Instructor to make arragements to take the exam|submit assignments. If you want P/NP you must request it before taking exams (if available for the course).

  • Deadline to complete the exams|assigments
    End of the semseter - last day of instruction
  • Review grade and accept or decline
    End of Finals Week
Before you go any further....
Here are the approved CbyE courses:

These are the only courses approved for CbyE. More courses coming soon.

Business, English and Language Arts Division:

  • American Sign Language 1

  • American Sign Language 2

  • English C1000

  • French 1

  • French 2

  • German 1

  • German 2

  • Italian 1

  • Italian 2

  • Japanese 1

  • Japanese 2

  • Library 10

  • Spanish 1

  • Spanish 2

ProTip: If you are taking CbyE for a language, you cannot be enrolled in any level of that language for that semester.

Some Important Facts

CbyE is different from clearing a prerequisite

Earning Credit by Exam
  • You will be registered in a course but the units do not count in your semester load.

  • Registration fees are added to your account and you are billed (non-refundable)

  • Cabrillo units will be earned

  • May satisfy a degree or GE degree requirement

  • New work and exams will be evaluated according to course rubrics

  • A letter grade will be assigned, unless you request P/NP grading before your grade has been returned (if that option is available for the course). In either case, you can choose to decline the grade.

  • Units and grade will be transcripted and will appear on your Cabrillo transcript

Clearing a prerequisite
  • Free of charge
  • Evaluation of coursework previously completed 
  • No units earned toward your degree
  • Only allows you to register in the course with the prerequisite 
  • Notated as an "EQ" in your Student Planning Timeline
  • Not transcripted: meaning the cleared pre-requisite will not appear on your Cabrillo transcript 
I've been approved!

I'm ready to start!

What can I expect?

Taking Exams

After your Credit for Prior Learning Form has been approved, it is your responsibility to initiate and complete the process by:

  1. paying the registration fees

  2. meeting with the department chair or faculty designee for instructions about the exam(s) and to set an exam schedule.

  3. completing the exam(s) by the established deadlines. If the course is part of a sequence, the exam will be given at the highest level chosen by the student. Credit will not be awarded for lower levels.

Once the exam(s) is completed, the department chair or faculty designee determines whether the your exam submission demonstrates sufficient mastery of the course content and assigns a grade for the petition based on the course exam results. The instructor will assign P/NP if the student chooses this option before taking the exam.

Completing Assignments

After your Credit for Prior Learning Form has been approved, it is the your responsibility to initiate and complete the process by:

  1. paying the registration fees

  2. meeting with the department chair or faculty designee for further instructions to complete assignments and set a deadline for submission.

  3. submitting the assignments by the deadline

Once submitted, the department chair or faculty designee determines whether or not your assignments demonstrate sufficient mastery of the course content and assigns a grade for the petition based on the course rubric. The instructor will assign P/NP if the student chooses this option before taking the exam.