Earn college credit for your service
Your military career counts at Cabrillo

Use Your Joint Service Transcripts
Work with our CPL Coordinator and an Academic Counselor to see where your military training fits into your Education Plan
You can earn Credit for Prior Learning using your Joint Service Transcript (JST) as recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE) Directory and approved by Cabrillo faculty of the appropriate discipline. Credit and course equivalency shall be determined by the faculty of the appropriate discipline. You are encouraged to meet with an Academic Counselor at the Veterans' Information Center prior to initiating the CLP review process.

Quick Links
- Credit for Prior Learning
- Submit Transcripts
- Enviar Transcripciones
- Clear Prerequisites
- Requisitos Previos Claros
- Noncredit and Work Based Learning
- Aprendizaje No Crédito y Basado en el Trabajo
- Credit for Industry Certifications
- Crédito por Certificaciones Industriales
- Credit by Exam
- Crédito por Examen
- Credit for Military Service
- Crédito por Servicio Militar
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A word about....
DD214 and Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT)
Submit the JST for Credit for Prior Learning evaluation.
Submit the DD214 to the School Certifying Official to establish Veterans status and priority registration.