Taken a class for professional development or personal enrichment?
Students with work experience, noncredit course work, community education, contract education or continuing education can request credit for prior learning.
All credit course equivalencies are determined by the faculty of the appropriate discipline. Meet with an academic counselor to determine the best use of CPL for your academic and professional goals. Students successfully completing Cabrillo noncredit courses (courses in the 400-series) must request credit through this same process.
Non-Credit Mirrored Course Examples:
AP426A - Credit in AP26A
CABT 402 - Credit for CABT 102
CEM 451 & 451L - Credit for CEM 151 & 151L

- Credit for Prior Learning
- Submit Transcripts
- Enviar Transcripciones
- Credit by Exam
- Crédito por Examen
- Credit for Military Service
- Crédito por Servicio Militar
- Credit for Industry Certifications
- Crédito por Certificaciones Industriales
- Noncredit and Work Based Learning
- Aprendizaje No Crédito y Basado en el Trabajo
- Clear Prerequisites
- Requisitos Previos Claros
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