Cabrillo Curriculum

Upcoming Curriculum Committee Meeting Dates:
Spring 2025 Semester Dates
Wednesdays, 3:00-5:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted, TLC1096 and Zoom
Wednesday, January 29 (FLEX week)
Wednesday, February 12
Wednesday, February 26
Wednesday, March 12
Wednesday, March 26
Wednesday, April 9
Wednesday, April 23
Wednesday, April 30
Wednesday, May 14
Wednesday, May 28
Thursday, May 29 (3:00-3:20 p.m. meeting, 2nd reads only)
Current Curriculum Committee Members
The Curriculum Cycle:
The curriculum process at Cabrillo is robust and ongoing in response to changes in student needs, industry, technology, and state compliance requirements. All curriculum proposals submitted by faculty are reviewed and approved by the Curriculum Committee, Faculty Senate, the Vice President of Instruction, with final local approval by Cabrillo's Governing Board. Prior to implementation, authorization is required by the State Chancellor's Office.
The Curriculum Committee:
The Curriculum Committee is a standing committee of the Faculty Senate and has the primary responsibility for college curriculum matters. This body reviews, approves, and makes recommendations about all new and modified courses, degrees, and certificates. The Curriculum Committee meets regularly during the year. Attendance is encouraged for those who develop new or modified proposals.
The Curriculum Library:
The curriculum library at Cabrillo is housed in eLumen, which has replaced Curricunet effective January 2019.
To view a Course Outline of Record (COR), it is recommended to access the eLumen public site (which does not require a log in) or the Cabrillo College Catalog.
If you are a faculty member who needs to log into eLumen to edit courses, propose new courses, or review a workflow, please log in to eLumen. If this is the first time you are logging in, then please contact Jessica Carroll.