- Phone:
- Fax:
- Email Xrays Only:
- Clinic Office Hours:
Clinic office hours:
Monday - Thursday: 8:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
- Location:
6500 Soquel Dr, HW 2101
Aptos CA 95003
Map > - Front Office Specialist
Ph: 831-479-6431
Email: cabrillodental@cabrillo.edu - Program Director:
Tara Clor, RDH, MEd
- Dean of Health, Athletics, Wellness, an Kinesiology
Dr. Heidi Weber
Parking Instructions
A dental hygiene parking permit is required to park in the assigned Dental Hygiene Patient parking spaces in Parking Lot P.
This free permit is issued at each appointment and is only valid for one day. Each appointment requires a new parking permit.
The permit is also valid in any Student lot space if there are not any dental hygiene spaces available. Patients with a handicap placard may park in any parking space.
Patients may not park in Stroke Center or Staff parking spaces.
Cars parked in any space on campus without a permit are ticketed by the Santa Cruz County Sheriff's Department.
Altered date stamps are not valid.