Christina Ortega
Academic Counselor
Transfer Co-Coordinator
Academic Counseling

My name is Christina Ortega. I have been with Cabrillo College since 2016 as an Academic Counselor and instructor. A few other roles at Cabrillo include Transfer Co- Coordinator and STEM Counselor.

I am a first generation college student, I am the first in my family to attend a higher education institution and the first out of 30+ cousins to receive a Masters degree. When I began college my major was Business, because that is what my family advised would be best for me. I found myself unhappy and unsatisfied in college and my courses. Through self exploration, reading the catalog and a few more semesters I found a passion for counseling and psychology. I graduated from Fresno State with a BA in Psychology and MS in Counseling with an emphasis in Student Services. Go Bulldogs! Going through my graduate program I was preparing to be a K-12 counselor but I am so glad that my journey brought me to the community college and to Cabrillo.

To schedule an appt please call (831)479-6274 or email