I have been teaching in the Early Childhood Education Department since 2007 and this is my third year as full-time faculty. As a graduate of this same program, I am honored and blessed to be teaching with many of my former instructors and mentors in this amazing department. After leaving Cabrillo College as a student, I went on to receive my B.A. in Human Development from Pacific Oaks College in Oakland, and my Masters Degree in Education and Elementary Education teaching credential from UCSC with a focus in bilingual and cross-cultural studies. As a student, I worked full time in the ECE profession, and helped raise my two step-sons who are now in their twenties. I spent much of my career with infants, toddlers, preschoolers and their families. I have been a teacher and a director and have worked in parent education. I have also done consulting in the area of program development, assessment, and environment design for young children. I taught Kindergarten at a local independent school for 6 years, and I currently volunteer in my child's school and teach as an instructor here at Cabrillo.
My husband and I raised my two step-children to adulthood, and are enjoying the childhood of our youngest child who is 10 years old. In my off time, you might find me at the beach with my family, hiking or biking in Santa Cruz or in Hawaii, or at home gardening, reading and exploring the natural world.
I believe that the field of Early Childhood Education is one that actively shapes the future of a more equitable and balanced society and world. One of the wonderful gifts of this profession is how, through our daily interactions with children and families, we have the opportunity to be lifelong learners and teachers.