Aptos campus will reopen at 5pm for evening classes. Watsonville not affected and operating on normal schedule.
Power restored to the Aptos Campus.
Jen Vered
Jennifer Vered
Instructor in the Computer Applications / Business Tech Department
Department Chair of the Computer Applications / Business Tech Department
Accreditation co-lead
Computer Applications and Business Technology/CABT
CTCs (1400 Building and A310) and CTC Zoom

About Jen

I have been working at our college since 2012, and I am always excited to meet new students. One of the favorite parts of my job is hearing from former students about their accomplishments and new jobs.

I teach a variety of classes: Computer Proficiency, Beginning and Advanced Documents, Records Information Management, Business Technology and Procedures, Social Media for Business, Beginning Tech Skills, Microsoft Office, Basic Spreadsheets, Business and Technical Writing, Effective Presentations, Keyboarding, and more! I am here to help students outside the classroom in the Aptos and Watsonville computer labs, and live online.

Our Business Information Worker (BIW) program has a wonderful learning community, so if you are interested, get in touch. The best way to reach me is via email... or just come by the computer lab (CTC) or the CTC live online support!

Spring 2025 Zoom and Lab Office Hours

CTC Zoom Support button may be found on the CTC Webpage.

Monday 12:00pm - 12:50pm | Watsonville CTC and Zoom, A310 | Third floor at the end of the hall

Tuesday 9am - 12pm Aptos | CTC and Zoom, 1400 Building, Oceanside of Campus | First & Last 4 weeks of term only

Wednesday 9am - 5:20pm | Aptos CTC and Zoom, 1400 Building, Oceanside of Campus

(**or by appointment, contact the instructor)

Find me on the CTC Zoom Support link here!

CABT Links

CABT Webpages

CABT Instagram

CABT Facebook

CTC Instagram