Pronouns: She/her
About Me:
I have been working at Cabrillo College for over 6 years as a Job Developer managing the CalWORKs work study program and for the past couple of years as part of the Career Education team on campus to build more comprehensive services for workplace readiness skills and job placement opportunities. Most recently I have taken on the Internship and Work Experience Faculty role starting Fall 2023.
I have worked with adults around the topic of self advocacy and empowerment my entire career. I am excited to combine my love for higher education and my passion for Social Justice in the effort to transform systems and create career fulfillment and greater personal autonomy through teaching Noncredit Workplace Readiness Courses and more robust Career Services for students as they move through their education experience at Cabrillo and beyond.
I live with my husband and three daughters and five fur babies: one dog, two cats and two bunnies. We love to camp, hike and play with our friends and family.
My first two jobs after college were as an Admin Assistant/Together for Youth Coordinator at United Way of Santa Cruz County and Program Assistant/Outreach Specialist for Seafood Watch at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
Education: I have a Bachelors Degree in Biology and Environmental Studies from UCSC and a Masters Degree in Public Policy from CSUMB.