Room: 1071
Located in the HUB Center, upstairs in the Library in the back.
REQUESTING EXAM: (Current ASC Students)
Contact myself at
Student must have accommodations for the semester before any exam request can be made.
A minimum of 1 week notification for any exam request.
Please include below information in all Exam Requests:
*Your full name (First and Last)
*Instructors full name (First and Last)
*Class Name and Number: (Math 100, English 2F)
*Date(s) and Time of exam including finals
*Any Assistive Technology: (CCTV, ClaroRead, ZoomText, JAWS, Voice Activated Software)
TO SEND AN EXAM: (Instructor)
With the exam please include:
*The amount of time the class has for the exam
*Any items the students may use (Notes, Books, Type of Calculator)
Cabrillo's ASC is not offering proctoring for non Cabrillo ASC students at this time. Please look at the California Community Colleges list of colleges offerings proctoring.