Spanish to English Program

ECE courses are offered in Spanish and in-person at the Watsonville Center each fall and spring by our esteemed bilingual faculty. Classes are scheduled in the evening to coincide with students' work schedules, many of whom are currently working with children.
New students to the ECE program can start with our free non-credit course, Introduction to Child Development, ECE401A and ECE401B. Both courses can be completed in one semester. Upon completion students will receive an Introduction to Child Development Certificate of Completion.
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Recommended Pathway
The following pathway is recommended for new ECE students:
Semester 1
Semester 2 and beyond:
Please review the suggested order of classes for permits, certificates, and degrees

Other Courses
In addition we also offer courses that focus on infant and toddler development each year such as ECE135, Infant and Toddler Program Development.
ECE also offers both ECE59, Health and Safety and ECE156, a special topics curriculum course, once a year. These courses have no prerequisites and may be taken at any time.

A number of ECE certificates can be completed at the Watsonville Center including:

ECE students can work towards their California Child Development Permits:

Please join us at an ECE Orientation at the Watsonville Center prior to the start of each semester.
Please check back for details regarding date and time.

Reach Out
Our ECE counselors are here to help you with your education and professional goals. Please contact them to make an appointment:
Rodolfo (Rudy) Puente
Academic Counselor
(831) 479-6274
Denyss Vela
Academic Counselor
(831) 477-3489
Your Early Childhood Education Faculty are available to meet with you to develop or update your academic plans.