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Cabrillo Information Systems Scheduled Maintenance

Spill Response


If a spill occurs inform your instructor right away!

Chemical Spill Response

The range and quantity of hazardous substances used in laboratories requires prior planning to respond safely to chemical spills. The cleanup of a chemical spill should only be done by knowledgeable and experienced personnel. Spill kits with instructions, absorbents, reactants, and protective equipment should be available to clean up minor spills. A minor chemical spill is one that the laboratory staff is capable of handling safely without the assistance of safety and emergency personnel. All other chemical spills are considered major.

Minor Chemical Spill

  1. Alert people in immediate area of spill and your instructor.

  2. Wear protective equipment, including safety goggles, gloves, and long-sleeve lab coat.

  3. Avoid breathing vapors. Respiratory protection should not be required for a minor spill.

  4. Confine spill to small area.

  5. Use appropriate kit to neutralize and absorb inorganic acids and bases. Collect residue, place in container, and dispose as chemical waste.

  6. For other chemicals, use appropriate kit or absorb spill with vermiculite, dry sand, or diatomaceous earth. Collect residue, place in container and dispose as chemical waste.

  7. Clean spill area with water.

Major Chemical Spill (Dial 911)

  1. Attend to injured or contaminated persons and remove them from exposure.

  2. Alert people in the laboratory to evacuate.

  3. If spilled material is flammable, turn off ignition and heat sources.

  4. Close doors to affected area.

  5. Call Chemical Spill Emergency Response number (911).

  6. Call EH&S (831-479-5742).

  7. Have person knowledgeable of incident and laboratory assist emergency personnel.

Biological Spill Response

Biological spills outside biological safety cabinets will generate aerosols that can be dispersed in the air throughout the laboratory. Wait 30 minutes prior to initiating spill clean up to allow aerosols to settle or be removed by the ventilation system.

BSL 1 Level Spill

  1. Wear disposable gloves.

  2. Soak paper towels in disinfectant and place over spill area.

  3. Place towels in plastic bag for disposal.

  4. Clean spill area with fresh towels soaked in disinfectant.

BSL 2 Level Spill

  1. Alert people in immediate area of spill.

  2. Put on protective equipment.

  3. Cover spill with paper towels or other absorbent materials.

  4. Carefully pour a freshly prepared 1 to 10 dilution of household bleach around the edges of the spill and then into the spill. Avoid splashing.

  5. Allow a 20-minute contact period.

  6. Use paper towels to wipe up the spill, working from the edges into the center.

  7. Clean spill area with fresh towels soaked in disinfectant.

  8. Place towels in a plastic bag and decontaminate in an autoclave.

Whenever a spill occurs, no matter how small, it must be reported to EH&S using the Hazard Reporting Form or emailing