General Guidelines

The following guidelines should be considered when assisting a person with disabilities during an emergency.

  1. Assess how immediate the emergency is and communicate the nature of emergency to the person.
  2. Ask the person how he/she would like to be assisted.
  3. Evacuate mobility devices with the person if possible (ie., crutches, wheel chairs, etc)

Disability Specific Guidelines

Visual Impairments:

For persons with visual impairments, describe the nature the emergency and offer to guide him/her to the nearest emergency exit and evacuation assembly area. Have the person take your elbow and escort him/her advising of any obstacles such as stairs, narrow passageways or overhanging objects. When you have reached safety, orient the person to where he/she is and ask if further assistance is needed.

Hearing Impairments:

Communicate with the person by writing a note or through simple hand gestures about the nature of the emergency and what they should do.

Persons Using Wheelchairs:

Ask the person what methods of assistance he/she prefers. Some people have minimal ability to move and lifting them may be dangerous to their well being. Some persons using wheelchairs have respiratory complications. Remove them from smoke or fumes immediately. If the person wants to be moved in his/her chair, keep the following considerations in mind:

  • Always turn the wheelchair so it is lowered down the stairs backwards (person facing up the stairs), so the occupant cannot slip forward out of the chair and down the stairs.
  • Wheelchairs have many movable and weak parts.
  • Some persons have no upper trunk or neck strength. Push the chair with the person sitting in the chair.
  • Powered wheelchairs have very heavy batteries; an evacuation chair for stairs may be needed with the powered chair to be retrieved later.
  • If a seatbelt is available, use it.

If the person needs to be removed from his/her wheelchair for an evacuation ask the following:

  • How he/she prefers to be moved from the chair.
  • If pain or harm will result from moving extremities.
  • If any equipment is needed for immediate safety of life-support.

Wheelchairs should be retrieved as soon as possible and given high priority.

Persons Using Crutches, Canes, Walkers, etc.:

Ask the person what method of assistance he/she prefers.

Click Here for Building Steward Introduction.

  • Prior to an emergency, Building Stewards ensure that current Emergency Guidelines Posters and Evacuation Maps are placed in each classroom and in the common areas of their building.
  • Building Stewards regularly walk their building to become familiar with it and to find any hazards.
  • In an emergency, Building Stewards are responsible for safely evacuating all people from their building, accounting for everyone in a designated gathering place and reporting missing people to Search & Rescue. They also survey the buildings for potential dangers or unsafe conditions.
  • Building Stewards can possibly turn off utilities and assist special needs people out of the building.
  • Ideally, they attend 1st Aid, Search and Rescue, and Damage Assessment team training to enhance their skills as a Building Stewards and work closely with those teams.
  • Click here to learn more about the Building Steward Program

IMPORTANT:Click here for California Code 3100

For more information, see Emergency Operations Manual, Building Stewards.

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How to watch a private video in YouTube:
  1. A video that is set to private viewing will appear with a content warning message, as seen in the screen clipping below, if you are not logged into YouTube (or Google Dive) as a permitted user.
  2. Click the "Sign in" button in the upper right of the YouTube interface.
  3. Click the "Sign in" button in the upper right of the YouTube interface.
  4. Use your Cabrillo email address to sign in. Type it in the text field, then click Next.
  5. Use your Cabrillo username and password to complete the sign-in process.
  6. Navigate back to the YouTube video in your browser. You should now be able to watch the video.

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Hazardous Communications Program (Under Review)

Goals and Objectives

  • Training
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Policy suggestions to the Governing Board
  • Information Dissemination
  • Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Repository


  • Regulatory Agency Annual Reporting (Fire Department, Environmental Health)
  • Disseminate compliance requirements to be corrected
    • HazMat reportingHazard communication/lab safety/hazardous waste/medical waste training needs 
    • Safety Data Sheets (SDS) reporting & maintenance

The committee will:

  • Develop a set of tasks to address hazardous materials/environmental compliance issues and associated costs. Examples of these issues include:
    • Incident response/accident prevention
  • Ventilation problems/needs
  • Indoor air quality concerns
  • Laboratory safety
  • SDS collection/access
  • Inventory development
  • Toxicology/personal exposure
  • Hazardous materials/hazardous waste labeling and storage
  • Medical waste permits/storage
  • Pesticide use
  • Respirator needs
  • Hazard communication/lab safety/hazardous waste/medical waste training needs

In order to maintain a safe and healthful work environment the Cabrillo Community College District has developed an Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) for all employees to follow. This document describes the goals, statutory authority, and the responsibilities of all employees under the Program. It addresses Compliance, Hazard Identification, Accident Investigation, Hazard Mitigation, Training, Communication, and Program Documentation. By making employee safety a high priority for every employee, we can reduce injuries and illnesses, increase productivity, and promote a safer and healthier environment for all individuals at the Cabrillo Community College District.

Read More

Click on the link below to read the required safety training documentation. At the bottom of each page there will be a link to the next page. When you are finished you will be directed to go to WebAdvisor in order to verify you have completed this required employee safety training.

Begin readin

Why Prepare?

Wherever you live, disaster can strike without warning. Planning and preparation can greatly reduce the impacts disasters (and other lesser emergencies) can have on our lives. Throughout the world, people have plans and prepare for hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, flooding, wildfires, and other emergencies. California is prone to many kinds of emergencies, including landslides, flooding, wildfires, power outages and earthquakes.

Cabrillo College is located near the San Andreas earthquake fault. The College is also in the danger zone for several other known faults that the U.S. Geological Survey is quite concerned about. Seismological experts agree that a major earthquake on the Hayward, Calaveras or Rogers Faults is likely to occur within the next 20 years. As with any disaster, emergency resources will be overwhelmed and the campus community must be prepared to be self-sufficient until outside help arrives, perhaps for up to 10 days. Each individual should prepare his/her family, home, and workplace for this eventuality. There are several reference planning guides, which you may find helpful, including the USGS pamphlet entitled "Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country".

What Can You Do?

  • Become actively involved in preparedness (planning and mitigation).
  • Look around the areas where you spend the most time (office, bedroom, etc.) and re-arrange your space to make it safer.
  • Take personal responsibility for your own survival.
  • Acquire skills like disaster First Aid, CPR, search and rescue, or shelter management. Take C.E.R.T. training offer by the college or in your community.
  • Prepare now for a sudden emergency. It could save your life and the lives of others.
  • Have a plan - know what to do before, during, and after an emergency.

Preparedness on Campus

We depend on well-informed staff and students to take steps to increase their safety and protect their belongings. Since you live in earthquake country, you will want to learn about the campus emergency plan, what to do if an earthquake happens, and how to keep your stuff safe in your room or apartment. That includes what's on your computer.

Before it happens

  • Reademergency information posted in buildings and published on thecollege's emergency website. Talk with your family, roommates,officemates and friends about what you will all do in an emergency.
  • Eachcampus building has a designated evacuation area. Find out where theseEmergency Assembly Areas (EAAs) are for your classroom buildings.
  • Think ahead about how you would exit your classroom or residence.
  • Locate the fire extinguishers; know how to use them.
  • Sharethis information. Make a plan for communicating with family and friendsin case of an earthquake. Long distance phone lines may work betterthan local ones.
  • Back up your computer(s) daily or weekly. Keep the disks at a separate location.

Make your Living and Work Area Safer

  • Be sure that mirrors, framed pictures, glass items or other heavy objects aren't hanging over your bed or your desk.
  • Tall bookshelves and cabinets could fall on you or block your exit. Brace and bolt such furniture to prevent its toppling.
  • If it's not possible to secure furniture, rearrange it to reduce danger.
  • Do not stack bookcases or file cabinets.
  • Don't use unsecured shelves made out of bricks, cement blocks and boards.
  • Kitchen cabinet contents can be dangerous; keep the doors latched.
  • Anchor stereo equipment, TVs, and computers with earthquake fasteners.

Put together an Emergency Kit

  • First aid supplies are very important. Have a good supply and know how to administer first aid.
  • Aflashlight with extra batteries will be useful if the electricity goesout. Consider a headlamp like the kind backpackers use. This will keepyour hands free.
  • Have a small portable radio, with the right batteries.
  • Keep extras of such personal supplies as glasses, contact lenses, and prescription medications.
  • Include a pair of sturdy shoes, comfortable but durable clothing, a jacket or sweater, and a blanket or sleeping bag.
  • There may not be running water for a time after a quake; store a couple gallons of water.
  • Keep your kit under your bed or in a closet you can get to easily. Consider having a kit in your car as well.
  • Check the "links" section in the college's emergency website for more information.

Staff and Students with Disabilities

  • Know how to take cover in a quake. Arrange your living space so that nothing can fall on you or block your exit.
  • Make a list of the special equipment and medications you need. Keep it with you.
  • Arrange to have "buddies" help you in an emergency.
  • Call for help using a whistle, flashlight, or other alarm.
  • Know where to get electrical power for wheelchairs or other devices.