Self Service and Colleague (Cabrillo’s student information systems) will be unavailable during spring break, 3/28/25-4/4/25
Cabrillo Information Systems Scheduled Maintenance
Emergency Preparedness

Good Housekeeping: A Good Safety Practice

Sure, its nice to work in a clean and organized setting, but OSHA requires a neat, clean workplace because it is safer. Just taking the time to put things in their place can prevent many on-the-job accidents.

Here are some good housekeeping practices to keep in mind:

  • Keep aisles, and exits clear of desks, file cabinets and trash.
  • Keep overhead storage (top of cabinets) at a minimum (one box high, no more than 10 pounds).
  • Clean up all spills as soon as they occur or as soon as you notice the spill.
  • Do not leave the overhead projector electrical cord plugged in. Unplug after each use.
  • Be sure all rugs and mats are in good condition and do not create a trip hazard.
  • Do not leave chemicals or cleaners out in the open; place them in their proper storage area after each use.
  • Take the time to find and use a ladder when one is needed (never stand on chairs).

Yes, there are maintenance and cleaning people in your facility, but they dont know where all the items belong. That is why your immediate workspace is your responsibility.

Remember the old saying, A place for everything and everything in its place. Put things back when they are not being used and do it right away.