Living Wage Careers

Where You Work
You can work in many different industries.
Engineering, architecture, cinematography, construction, high technology, and manufacturing to name just a few. You can choose to specialize in a particular area, such as computer-aided design, 3D printing, or be more of a generalist and become qualified to do entry-level work in a field such as aerospace.
Students can find a good job with less than a year of training.
Our faculty work closely with an industry advisory board to ensure that what you learn qualifies you for entry level jobs as an engineering technician, design draftsperson, product design prototype, circuit design draftsperson and animation artist, among many others.
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In 2021, the federal government passed a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, including $550 billion allocated to the nation's bridges, airports, waterways, public transit, and more. The overwhelming consensus among large infrastructure contractors is that due to a massive wave of baby boom generation retirements, and the lack of a replacement workforce, there will be debilitating shortages of infrastructure workers for many years to come.

Job Opportunities
According to the Employment Development Department's Labor Market Information data, the Etech-related workforce is 78% undersupplied within Alameda, Monterey, San Benito, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz Counties.
At the state-level, Caljobs lists several engineering technician occupations on their "Top 100 Fastest Growing Occupations in California, 2016-2026." They also note engineering technician related occupations on their "Top 100 Jobs with the Most Openings in California, 2016 - 2026."
Featured Careers
Commercial and Industrial Designers
Median pay is $95,127 per year.
New workers start around $60,093. Highly experienced workers can earn up to $157,079.
174 jobs in the local area are expected to open annually.
Since June 2020, 2,844 companies have posted 15,259 jobs for Commercial and Industrial Designers.

Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) Tool Programmers
Median pay is $80,361 per year.
New workers generally start around $50,733. Highly experienced workers can earn as much as $118,452.
135 jobs in the local area are expected to open annually.
Since June 2020, 317 companies have posted 1,128 jobs for Computer Numerically Controlled Tool Programmers.

Special Effects Artists and Animators
Median pay is $102,921 per year.
New workers start around $57,251. Highly experienced workers can earn up to $158,783.
331 jobs in the local area are expected to open annually.
Since June 2020, 540 companies have posted 2,060 jobs for Special Effects Artists and Animators.

Ready to get started?
We are here to help answer your questions or navigate registration. Contact our department office or fill out this interest form.