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Faculty Senate Constitution

In accordance with Title V of the California Administrative Code, Section 53200-53206 and with the approval of the Cabrillo College Governing Board, the faculty establishes the Cabrillo College Faculty Senate.

Article I: Name

  • This organization shall be known as the Cabrillo College Faculty Senate.

Article II: Purposes The purposes of this organization shall be:

  • 1. To serve as the official representative of the faculty on academic and professional matters.

  • 2. To represent the views of the faculty to the administration and Governing Board.

  • 3. To participate in the formation of district policies on academic and professional matters.

  • 4. To promote the effectiveness of teaching at Cabrillo College.

  • 5. To promote the general welfare of faculty, staff and students through fund raising, scholarships and social events.

Article III: Membership

  • Section 1: "Faculty" is defined as any full- or part-time faculty member whose salary is determined by either the regular, unit pay temporary or children's center salary schedules.

  • Section 2: The Faculty Senate shall consist of two senators from each instructional division, two from the C&ESS division (one from the Counseling Division and one from Educational Support Services), one from the Watsonville Center, and one from the Library. A President and six senators shall be elected by the faculty at large. There is a Vice President who is selected by the President and Senate. There will also be a nonvoting student representative selected by the Student Senate.

Article IV: Officers

  • Section 1: The President of the Faculty Senate shall appoint, with consent of the Senate, a Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Restrictions or requirements for officers shall be as described in the Bylaws.

  • Section 2: Senate officers shall receive reassigned time as described in the Bylaws.

Article V: Terms of Office and Elections

  • Section 1: The term of office for all Senators and the President shall be two years. The term of the President shall begin on the first day of the calendar year. The terms for other officers shall be as described in the Bylaws.

  • Section 2: Elections for President shall be held at the end of the spring semester. Elections for Senators At Large shall be held at the end of the fall semester. Three of the Senators shall be elected each year thus staggering their terms. Senators' terms shall begin at the first flex calendar meeting after their election. (The first meeting of the next semester).

  • Section 3: Division Senators shall be elected by the faculty of their divisions.

  • Section 4: Faculty Senate vacancies shall be filled in accordance with procedures specified in the Bylaws.

Article VI: Meetings

  • Section 1: Regular and Special meetings of the Faculty Senate shall be held as specified in the Bylaws.

  • Section 2: All Faculty Senate meetings shall be open to all faculty members.

  • Section 3: The President of the Faculty Senate shall call a special meeting of the faculty on petition of 10% of the faculty.

Article VII: Committees

  • Section 1: There shall be standing committees formed to conduct the business in the major areas of Senate jurisdiction.

  • Section 2: The President of the Faculty Senate shall appoint faculty members to each of the standing committees.

  • Section 3: The duties, responsibilities, and composition of each standing committee shall be outlined in the Bylaws.

  • Section 4: The President of the Faculty Senate shall appoint special (ad hoc) committees as needed with the advice and consent of the Faculty Senate.

Article VIII: Orders of Business and Parliamentary Procedure

  • Robert's Rules of Order, Revised shall be the authority on the order of business and parliamentary procedure in all regular and special meetings of the Faculty Senate and its committees.

Article IX: Adoption and Amendment

  • Section 1: This Constitution shall be adopted when ratified by a two-thirds majority of the faculty voting.

  • Section 2: Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed at any regular meeting of the Faculty Senate.

  • Section 3: If the proposed amendment receives simple majority approval of the Faculty Senate, the Elections Committee will review the proposal for clarity and then hold a ratification election.

  • Section 4: The amendment shall be adopted when ratified by a two-thirds majority of the faculty voting.

Changes to the Constitution ratified by faculty, spring 2013.