Financial Aid and Scholarships

Federal Work Study

Get a student job on campus!

Students can earn up to $2,750 per semester or $5,500 per year for up to 3 years at Cabrillo.

Overview of Federal Work Study

Federal Work Study (FWS) is a federal financial aid program that promotes part-time employment for students to help finance their education. FWS is awarded based on financial need as determined by the financial aid application submitted. A work-study award will be offered to all eligible students that meet the criteria. Students must apply for part-time jobs and may earn up to their FWS allocation. There is no employment guarantee. Jobs are competitive so make sure to start your search early.

Students can work a maximum of 20 hours per week and earn money to pay for educational expenses. Students can earn up to $2,750 per semester or $5,500 per year for up to 3 years at Cabrillo. There are several departments on campus that have positions to fill each semester on a first-come, first-served basis. Funds are limited, so not all qualifying students will receive an award.

Benefits of FWS

Obtaining a work-study job will allow you to use your earnings to pay for items in your cost of attendance such as living expenses, food, and many other school-related expenses. Any earnings made with FWS will be paid directly to you via your refund selection through BankMobile; work-study earnings will not pay any fees within your student account. As a result, this will provide you the opportunity to control how you spend your work-study earnings. To learn more about financial wellness please visit our Financial Wellness Canvas Course.

While work-study provides several financial benefits, you can also gain valuable work experience and develop transferable skills while in school, putting you in a stronger position to pursue transferring and/or employment opportunities when you graduate. Gaining professional experience outside of the classroom, while also being paid through work-study, will put you at a greater advantage both financially and professionally.

FWS Eligibility and Finding Employment

Students must apply for the FAFSA every year to be considered for FWS. A placeholder award of $2 will be added to students award packages, for those who meet the eligibility criteria below and are approved for FWS:

  • Students meeting good Satisfactory Academic Progress

  • Have a current FAFSA application on file

  • Must be eligible for employment

  • Must be registered in 6 or more units

  • Must have a completed file with financial aid and remaining unmet financial need

Next steps if you are eligible and interested in being considered for a FWS position

  1. Confirm that the $2 FWS placeholder has been added to your Offer Letter in SelfService

  2. Add your name to the FWS Student Eligibility Waitlist. The waitlist opens at the beginning of July

  3. Look for open positions on the Cabrillo Job Board and complete the interview process

  4. Accept FWS position that fits your need

  5. Have supervisor complete the supervisor steps to ensure funding is available

    FWS funding will be awarded to students on a first come first serve basis, so be sure to complete the steps above as quickly as possible if you are interested in obtaining a job.

Final Steps

Awaiting Approval

You will receive an email from the FWS Coordinator letting you know if your on campus job has been approved for FWS. The FWS Coordinator will increase your FWS award to the $5,000 full award, or the award amount you are eligible for, and you will see this update on your Offer Letter in SelfService.

You will receive an email from the Student Employment Office letting you know of the next steps you need to complete before you can begin working, such as completing tax documents and fingerprinting. Your supervisor will receive an email from the Student Employment Office letting them know once you are cleared to begin working.

Time Cards

Students are required to submit a timecard to their supervisor by the 19th of each month for every pay period they work. Paychecks are disbursed through BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. and students are paid on the 10th of the following month. It is the student's responsibility to track their working and remaining hours and submit their timecard to their supervisor in a timely manner.

Be sure to select your refund selection through BankMobile in order to receive your FWS funds. You can select your refund preference on BankMobile Disbursement's website.

Information for Supervisors

FWS funding will be awarded to students on a first come first served basis. In order to equitably distribute the limited FWS funding available, departments will be limited to the number of students they can hire. Students will be referred to the Student Job Board, so be sure to post your open positions right away. Once you find an eligible student that you are interested in hiring you will need to complete the FWS Department Eligibility Wait List.

Next Steps if you are interested in hiring a FWS student

  1. Complete the Federal Work Study Department Interest Form

  2. The FWS Coordinator will notify supervisors of the decision

  3. Departments will need to post open positions on the Seahawk Job Board. All students will referred to search for open positions. For more information on posting positions on job board, pay rates, or other employment forms/questions please see this link.

  4. Complete the FWS Department Hiring Request Form

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