Financial Aid and Scholarships

How to Apply

There are two applications that are available to students who are interested in applying for financial aid.

1. If your are a U.S. Citizen, a Permanent Resident or other Eligible Non-Citizen

*Eligible non-citizen examples include a U.S. permanent resident who has a green card (Permanent Resident Card), a conditional permanent resident with a conditional Green Card, or a "refugee".

***Complete the FAFSA***

2. If you are an Undocumented Immigrant and AB540 Eligible

*** Complete the CADAA***

Financial Aid Application Priority Deadline:

March 2nd

Some funding may be limited. This is why we recommend that students submit their Financial Aid Application (FAFSA or CADAA) as soon as possible after it becomes available on October 1st. If you missed the March 2nd* priority filing deadline, you will still be eligible for aid but will not be considered for all of the aid that is offered.

  • Students must complete their corresponding financial aid application EACH YEAR that they are attending college, if they want to be considered for financial aid.

  • Make sure to include our Federal School Code: 001124, if you wished to be considered for financial aid at our school.

  • Financial aid eligibility is determine by the information provided on your application.

  • Cabrillo College's school year begins with the Fall term, is followed by the Spring term, and ends with the Summer session. Ex: Fall 2024-Summer 2025


To be eligible to receive Federal Student Aid, you must meet the following:

  • Demonstrate a financial need (exception: unsubsidized loans)

  • Be a U.S. citizen or an eligible non-citizen

  • Have a valid Social Security Number (SSN)

  • Have a High School Diploma or equivalent

  • Be in a declared Eligible Major/Program

    -To update your current major, you will need to meet with an Academic Counselor

  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress

  • Not owe a refund or repayment on a federal grant

  • Not be in default on a federal student loan

  • Complete all documents requested by the Financial Aid office.


To be eligible to receive State Student Aid, you must meet the following:

  • Be Undocumented

  • Have a valid or expired DACA

  • Reside in California with a U-Visa

  • Reside in California with a Temporary Protected Status (TPS)

  • Meet the non-resident exemption requirements under AB 540, AB 2000, SB 68

  • Demonstrate a financial need

  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress

  • Complete all documents requested by the Financial Aid office.

Financial aid eligibility is based on your financial need.

For 2024-2025, the new need calculation will be:

Cost of Attendance (COA) - Student Aid Index (SAI) - Other Financial Assistance (OFA) = Financial Need

Cabrillo College School Code: 001124

What is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid?

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) allows U.S. Citizen, a Permanent Resident or other Eligible Non-Citizen students who meet certain requirements to apply for federal student aid, such as federal grants, work-study, and student loans.

Application Process:

  • Gather all the necessary documents (2025-2026 application)

  • Create a FSA ID (This will serve as your electronic signature.)

  • Make sure that you do not leave any questions unanswered

  • Make sure that your FAFSA has been signed by you and your parent if you are a dependent.

  • If you will have a child born before or during the award year (Fall through Summer sessions) who will be your legal dependent, the child should be counted as a member of the household

    For the 2024-2025 application:

  • Don’t Include unborn children who will be born between July 1, 2024, and June 30, 2025.

For Student with Undocumented Parent(s):

There is a NEW process for undocumented parents!

Parents with out a Social Security Number will now be able to create an FSA ID account, for signing purposes ONLY.

Please click here, for step by step instructions on how to complete this process.

Frequently asked questions: Here

If you need to correct information on your application, please click here for more information.

Please keep in mind that the Financial Aid office does not process applications, they are submitted to the Federal Processor.

Cabrillo College School Code: 00112400

What is the California Dream Act?

The California Dream Act (CADAA) allows undocumented and nonresident documented students who meet certain provisions to apply for and receive private scholarships funded through public universities, state administered financial aid, university grants, community college fee waivers, and cal grants.

Who Can Apply for the California Dream Act?

Undocumented students who live in California and meet the eligibility requirements of Assembly Bill (AB) 540 or AB 2000

What aid does an AB 540 student qualify for?

What steps do you need to complete?

  1. Complete your CADAA application, you will need the following documents (2024-2025)

  2. Create a Web Grants for Students Account to monitor your Cal Grant Award

  3. Complete and submit the AR - California Nonresident Tuition Exemption through eforms, by using your student ID and Self-service password to log in. View the California Residency Requirement here. If you have any questions about this form, please contact the Admissions and Records department.

  4. Submit any documents that are requested by Financial Aid Office through MyVerify

What happens after you apply?

  • After completing the CADAA, CSAC will send your application data to all of the colleges listed on your application. After allowing for processing time, 8-10 business days, you may follow up with those colleges to determine whether you are eligible for aid. (Processing occurs continuously for new applicants throughout the academic year)

  • The Financial Aid Office will download your application and determine if you are eligible for a CCPG, CPP, Cal Grant, or SSCG.

On Campus Resource For Undocumented Students

The Office of Student Equity has a Dream Resource Program that supports students who are aspiring citizens, including students who may or may not qualify for AB540 or DACA status.

Frequently asked questions: Here

The FAFSA Submission Summary is a paper or electronic document from the U.S. Department of Education’s office of Federal Student Aid that lists answers to the questions on the student’s FAFSA form and gives basic estimates about the student’s eligibility for federal student aid. It is not a financial aid offer.

Review your FAFSA Submission Summary carefully to make sure it’s correct. The college(s) or career school(s) you listed on your FAFSA form will use your information to determine your eligibility for federal—and possibly nonfederal—financial aid. A school may ask you to verify the accuracy of your FAFSA data, so you need to be sure the information is correct.

View your online FAFSA Submission Summary by:

  1. logging in using your account username and password,

  2. navigating to your account Dashboard,

  3. selecting your processed FAFSA submission, and

  4. selecting “View FAFSA Submission Summary.”

Your School Budget

Please contact your financial aid advisor if you have any additional expenses, which are not paid by an outside funding agency; such as childcare, elder care, disability-related expenses, uninsured medical or dental expenses, or if you are required to purchase a computer or supplies for your program that exceed the standard budget allowance. You can request an adjustment to your school budget, if any of the above apply to you.

*Enrollment fees in the table below are based on 15 units per semester at $46/unit, not including the summer term, and are subject to change. Summer fees include $22 for Health Fees and $20 for Transportation Fees. For students with a CCPG fee waiver, enrollment fees will be waived. Out-of-state Students are charged $46 plus an additional $358 per unit for total of $404 per unit and international students an additional $2 per unit for a total of $406 per unit, effective Summer '23.

2024-2025 Budget

At Home

Away From Home

Enrollment Fees



Health Fees



Student Activity Card



Student Center Fee



Student Rep. Fee



Student Transportation Fee



Books and Supplies



Food and Housing






Personal Expenses






Keep in mind that beginning with the 2024-2025 school year all students will be initially assigned an away from home budget, since the financial aid applications are no longer collecting information on housing status. If you are living at home with parents you may contact the financial aid office to have your housing status and budget updated to reflect your actual circumstances.