Frequently Asked Questions

Review our most frequently asked questions below!

The 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 FAFSA applications are both currently open.
If you are enrolled or plan to enroll in any of the following terms: Fall 2025, Spring 2026, or Summer 2026, you will need to complete the 2025-2026 FAFSA or CADAA.
If you are enrolled or plan to enroll in any of the following terms: Fall 2024, Spring 2025, or Summer 2025, you will need to complete the 2024-20245 FAFSA or CADAA. The deadline for the 2024-2025 FAFSA and CADAA applications is June 30th 2025.
The financial aid process can take up to 4-6 weeks.
California College Promise Grant (CCPG)
The California College Promise Grant is a community college fee waiver, this grant only covers the per unit cost of tuition for eligible California residents or AB540 eligible students. This grant is not a cash award and is automatically applied to the student's account.
In order for a student to be considered, they must submit a FAFSA, CADAA, or a paper application. This application needs to be renewed every school year that you wish to be considered. Eligibility is based on income.
For more information on CCPG, please see our page on Types of Aid.
Cabrillo Promise Program (CPP)
California College Promise Grant (CCPG):
· Eligibility is based on income
· Eligibility is established every (not limited to any years)
· No unit requirement
Cabrillo Promise Program (CPP):
· For first-time college students, who do not qualify for CCPG
· Limited for two years
· Must be enrolled in 12+ units, including in the summer (exception if you are a part of Accessibility Support Center (ASC))
· Must be classified as a California resident or AB540 eligible
· Both only cover the per unit cost of tuition ($46). These do not cover any student fees, books, or materials.
Note: Students cannot receive both CCPG and CPP.
Dream Act
1. If your are a U.S. Citizen, a Permanent Resident or other Eligible Non-Citizen
*Eligible non-citizen examples include a U.S. permanent resident who has a green card (Permanent Resident Card), a conditional permanent resident with a conditional Green Card, or a "refugee".
***Complete the FAFSA***
2. If you are an Undocumented Immigrant and AB540 Eligible
*** Complete the CADAA***
For more information, click here.
Visit our how to apply page for information on how the process works and what kind of aid you may be eligible for.
Academic Requirements, Dropping Classes, SAP Status
Per Federal regulation, students must maintain "Minimum Standard Requirements", this includes an accumulative PACE (Total attempted unit in Cabrillo vs. Total completed units at Cabrillo) of 67%, an accumulative GPA of 2.0, and cannot exceed 150% of their total program units to complete an A.A., A.S., Vocational Certificate or Transfer program.; in order to be eligible for financial aid.
For more information, visit our Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) page.
Awards and Disbursements
If financial aid is awarded, it is first used to cover any pending balance that you have with the college. If there is a remaining amount it will be issued through BankMobile Disbursements. If this is your first time receiving a disbursement through them, BankMobile will send you an access code via mail or email to allow you to create an account and select a refund preference. (it is important to have the most current email address in your account)
Steps on how to update your student information, click here.
To access BankMobile's Website, click here.
Federal Direct Student Loans
Cabrillo College offers The William D. Ford Federal Direct Loans with Subsidized and Unsubsidized Direct Loan options. For more information, visit our Student Loans page.
The student must provide consent for the school to disclose information to the parents, by completing the Student Record Release process.
To watch a video on how the student can complete this process, please click here.