Fire Technology and EMT

Fire Tech Program

Enjoy mental and physical challenges? Passionate about helping the public in a time of need?

Then consider a highly rewarding career in the fire service. As a firefighter, you'll dig deep within your character and face the physical, mental, and emotional challenges of protecting the lives and property of the community.

By completing just 60 units, you can earn your Associate in Science Degree in Fire Technology. This degree can help prepare you to transfer to a four-year university. We also provide course work for currently employed fire service personnel to meet continuing education needs.
As a firefighter, you respond to a wide variety of incidents. On any given day at work, you can be involved in fighting fire, providing emergency medical care and disaster relief response, participating in urban or wilderness search and rescue, responding to marine or swift water rescue emergencies, fighting wildland fires, and in other critical tasks serving communities during need.
Our faculty are state certified and are committed to your success. You will have access to high quality training and educational curriculum. Our students go on to find good jobs and have successful careers.

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Fire Tech students


As you work toward your degree, you will get an overview of all aspects of the fire service and a strong foundation for future job opportunities and education. Entry-level positions require you to possess solid basic educational skills, communication abilities, and life experiences that demonstrate maturity. An associate degree will add to your knowledge and make you more desirable and prepared than other candidates. The degree also will help with promotion, once hired by a fire agency or department.

We offer basic life support and preparation for advanced life support courses. An EMT Certification is a minimum requirement for many fire service jobs.

More information about the degree and courses can be found on the digital catalog.



Control and extinguish fires or respond to emergency situations where life, property, or the environment is at risk. Duties may include fire prevention, emergency medical service, hazardous material response, search and rescue, and disaster assistance.

Median Salary: $84,411



Administer basic or advanced emergency medical care and assess injuries and illnesses. May administer medication intravenously, use equipment such as EKGs, or administer advanced life support to sick or injured individuals.

Median Salary: $50,563



Assess injuries and illnesses and administer basic emergency medical care. May transport injured or sick persons to medical facilities.

Median Salary: $40,370

Success Stories

Ariana C

EMT Ariana C. knew since she was 14 that she wanted to be a firefighter. She grew up in the first responder community, with her father being a medic for 20 years and her mother a dispatcher. Ariana went into the EMT/FireTech program immediately after graduating from high school with a goal of getting a degree in fire science. Her first class was training as an EMT.

“I didn’t know what I was getting into with this class, but it was super fun and I built great relationships with people in it. These friendships are important because everyone is so driven and passionate about being first responders,” says Ariana.

She says it was a challenging class, but if it's something you want to do, you can do it! Ariana appreciated the support she and all of the students received and has continued by working as a proctor for the class.

Ariana is two semesters away from meeting her goal of the fire science degree – taking courses while also working as an EMT.

Please note: The Fire Tech Program is not the Fire Academy. Visit the Fire Academy’s website to learn more about it - please do not contact the Fire Tech Program.

Get Started

Ready to learn more about our programs? Please fill out this quick interest form or email Leilani Roth.