Geography is the organized knowledge of the earth as the world of people.
The subject is perfect for students who wish to acquire a broad general knowledge of the world in which we live. The subject consists of Physical Geography, which deals with the natural science of the earth. Weather, Climate, Landforms, interactions between the land, water, and atmosphere of our planet sets the stage for the works of people who live on our planet.
Cultural Geography deals with the way people modify and interpret their relationship to the planet on which we live. Subjects include: Economic, Political, Urban, Religious, Language, and spread of Technology through time and region. Cabrillo offers the first two years of the Geography Major as well as elective courses for students wishing to complete their General Education requirements.
- Physical (G1) has a laboratory (G1L) which satisfies the Natural Science requirement for transfer.
- Cultural Geography, Regional Geography, Map Reading, and California Geography satisfy the Social Science requirements in General Education.
Majors in Geography find employment in many professions. Some include: Real Estate, Title Companies, Travel Agencies, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Tour Operations, City and County Planning Agencies, and of course education.
Meteorology is the science of the Atmosphere. It includes basic scientific principles of radiation, winds, gas laws, Coriolis Effect, humidity, atmospheric pollution, humidity, clouds, severe storms, and forecasting.
It satisfies the Natural Science Requirement for transfer to most colleges and universities.
If you wish this class to satisfy a Laboratory Natural Science requirement, you need to take Meteorology 1 Lab (a 1 unit separate class) either concurrently or after you have finished the 3 unit lecture class. Majors in Meteorology usually obtain employment in forecasting for private industry or in education.