
The purpose of the Budget Committee is to

  • serve as a clearinghouse of collegial discussion of budget assumptions, policies and procedures, and fiscal protocols for establishing the annual budget for Cabrillo College.

  • assist the College Planning Committee and the Vice President, Finance & Administrative Services by providing advice and recommendations related to college budget processes and annual planning assumptions.

  • help college staff and managers develop professional development activities that educate college personnel on the annual budget and budgeting process.

  • provide a forum for analyzing key budget elements on an annual basis, such as the cost of:

    salary increases
    medical and payroll benefits
    amounts specified for board-established end-of-year reserves
    post-employment obligation costs
    actuarial study assumptions and other significant budget drivers

By serving on the shared governance forum (reporting to CPC), the Budget Committee helps establish common understanding within the college on significant budget planning assumptions and helps facilitate the transmission of knowledge about the college's annual operating costs.

2024-25 Goals

  1. Report out on the key budget drivers annually from the Final Budget Executive Summary. Provide advice and recommendations on significant budget planning assumptions. Transmit knowledge about college annual operating costs to constituent groups in a timely fashion.

  2. Understand the policies, procedures, and fiscal protocols for establishing the annual budget. Transmit knowledge to constituent groups.

  3. Monitor changes in and disseminate information about any changes in state appropriations including the CC Funding Formula to constituent groups.

  4. Support the development of the Institutional Self-Evaluation Report (ISER), particularly in supplying evidence and contributing appropriate reporting language for Standard 1 and Standard 3 teams.

Who They Report To

College Planning Committee (CPC)


Meetings are generally held on the 4th Wednesday of the month during the semester, 2 - 3:30 pm.

Presentations and Other Resources

Link to Agendas and Minutes



  1. Calvin Yu, Vice President, Finance & Administrative Services (Chair)

  2. Dr. Matt Wetstein, President

  3. Dr. Travaris Harris, Vice President, Instruction; Paul Harvell, designee

  4. Dr. Blanca Balthazar-Sabbah, Vice President, Student Service; Dr. Michelle Donohue-Mendoza, designee

  5. Angela Hoyt, Vice President, Human Resources & Labor Relations

  6. Alicia Gregory, Director, Budget & Fiscal Services

  7. Alex Strudley, Director of Procurement and General Services

  8. John Govsky, CCFT Representative

  9. Barbara Schultz-Perez, Faculty Senate Representative

  10. Anna Zagorska, Faculty Senate President

  11. Terri Owen, CCEU

  12. Janine Riopel, CCEU

  13. TBD, CCEU

  14. Scott Kimmel, Confidential

  15. George Little, Student Senate

Additional Information

Communication Between the CPC and Other Planning Bodies of the College: The intent is to have as much transparency as possible. In the spirit of this intent, sharing of agendas and a summary of relevant planning topics from Cabinet and other bodies will be shared in advance or presented regularly to the CPC. Affected groups include: Cabinet, Instructional Council, Council on Instructional Planning, Administrative Leadership Team, and Component Manager Groups. See the Cabrillo College Decision Making Process and the Integrated Planning Process.

For more information, visit College Planning Committee Website