
Technology Committee

The purpose of the Technology Committee is to review and make recommendations to the College Planning Committee regarding the development and updating of the technology plan and priorities that will support and accelerate the accomplishment of the College Master Plan.

2023-24 Goals

  1. Approve Tech Plan project priorities.

  2. Receive recommendations from active workgroups.

  3. Approve goals and workplans for next year.

Who They Report To

College Planning Committee (CPC)


As needed.

Agendas, Minutes and Committee Information

Go to BoardDocs

Chair and Member Listing

  1. Steve Schearer, Director, Information Technology -- Chair

  2. Dr. Matt Wetstein, President

  3. Alicia Gregory, Interim Vice President of Finance & Administrative Services

  4. + One Representative, (Vacant), Director, Budget & Fiscal Services

  5. Dr. Travaris Harris, Vice President of Instruction, Paul Harvell, designee

  6. + One Representative, TBD

  7. Vacant, Vice President of Student Services

  8. + One Representative, David Castillo, Director, Admissions & Records

  9. Joy Polanco O'Neil, LRC/TLC Representative

  10. Annie Jones, Director, Tutoring & Academic Support Services

  11. Marcelo Nogueira, CTC Representative

  12. John Govsky, CCFT Appointed Representative

  13. Steve Hodges, Faculty Senate Appointed Representative

  14. Jefferson Hancock, ASC Representative

  15. David Gilmore, CCEU Appointed Representative

  16. Theo Kell, CCEU Appointed Representative

  17. Buff McKinley, CCEU Appointed Representative

  18. Tatiana Bachuretz, Confidential Representative

  19. Saul Moreno, Student Representative, Student Senate


Additional Information

Communication Between the CPC and Other Planning Bodies of the College: The intent is to have as much transparency as possible. In the spirit of this intent, sharing of agendas and a summary of relevant planning topics from Cabinet and other bodies will be shared in advance or presented regularly to the CPC. Affected groups include: Cabinet, Instructional Council, Council on Instructional Planning, Administrative Leadership Team, and Component Manager Groups. See the Cabrillo College Decision Making Process and the Integrated Planning Process.

For more information, visit College Planning Committee Website